Monday, March 4, 2019

When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed with Motherhood

Are you feeling overwhelmed with motherhood these days?

I know that for some of you, you are just so ready to throw in the towel. 

The days have been long, and your patience has been short!

But I want to encourage you and let you know that this is not the end and that there is hope.

Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Even though you might feel weary, you need to get your strength from Him.

Our Lord know just what we need when we need it, and we need to turn to Him for refreshing. 

Sometimes we just need a new perspective of how we view our day and our children. 

Take a deep breath, mama, maybe go to your room for a moment alone and pull yourself together. 

I find that when I practice these three important things that my day goes much better. 


There are so many times that we might allow our feelings to control us our run our day. But we must train ourselves to remain in God's truth. When we do this we are no longer slaves to a self pity mentality. We know that we are not alone because He is with us. 

We know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We know that true hardship was with the One who suffered on the cross for our sins.  When we are bathing ourselves in God's truth we won't dwell in our sorrows, but instead look to heaven and trust Him. 


Have you been down on yourself feeling that you have failed your children somehow? Well, there are no perfect parents, and we need to remind ourselves of that and give ourselves some room to make mistakes. 

It is okay to give ourselves the same mercy and grace that we give to others. We also need to remind ourselves that God's mercies are new every morning and if He is able to extend that to us out of His great love for us, then we must be able to give it to ourselves as well. 


It is easy to think that children are a nuisance or a burden but we know that they are a gift. Even when they might not feel like it! Remember that they are not a mistake, or a problem, or an inconvenience, or an accident or a punishment. Instead they are a miracle---God gave us the gift of life to be able to raise a little child to know and love Him. They are instead our treasures and our arrows and we are called by God to raise them in His ways, whether that road would be easy or not. 

And can I just say that oftentimes it is not easy. But with our Lord and Savior we can be the parent He want us to be. He has given us His wisdom and strength and His example of a loving Father to all of us. 

We learn more of His attributes as we study His Word and what it says about parenting.  

And remind yourselves of the other blessings around you like:

  • I have a home
  • I have children 
  • I have food
  • I have God's word to guide me
  • I have health and/or I am alive

And be thankful. So many times our problems begin because we are discontent and not thankful for all the blessings we already have. 

Here are also a few encouraging motherhood quotes by Elisabeth Elliot to encourage you as well:

"The process of shaping the child....shapes also the mother herself. Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example."

"I believe that trust in God, love for one's children, and prayer for wisdom are a recipe for successful parenthood far more reliable than all the books and seminars in the world."

"These children? They'll only be in my home for a short time. They'll be mine forever, but they'll never again need everything from me. Once they've outgrown my lap, they'll never truly fit there again. 

THIS is it. This is my motherhood, I only get to do it once."

I am praying for you, dear mama!

For pinning:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post,June, thank you for sharing.
Inspiring quotes by Elizabeth Elliot.
I also loved the photo of a newborn and the words on it-touching,and so true.
I LOVE the painting at the top of the post. Do you know the artist?
Thank you.


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