Monday, June 12, 2017

Are You a Woman Who Builds Up Her Home or Tears it Down?

"Are you building up your marriage and home, or destroying them with your words and actions?

 What kind of a home are you building?

 An angry home or an anointed home?

 A boring home or a bountiful home?

 A cynical home or a celebrating home?

 A depressing home or a delightful home?

 An empty home or an encouraging home?

A fretful home or a flourishing home?

 A grumbling home or a gladsome home?

 A harassed home or a happy home?

 An impoverished home or an interesting home? 

 A jaded home or a jubilant home?

 A kill-joy home or a kind-hearted home?

 A legalistic home or a loving home?"

Read the rest HERE. 

(We were so encouraged by it and wanted to share it with you!)

If you need encouragement on this important topic of building up strong homes, we highly recommend this, this, and this. 

We hope it is a blessing to you!

Note: This post contains affiliate links---thanks for your support!

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