Monday, April 15, 2019

Five Simple, Fast & Fun Easter Christ-Centered Activities

I remember over the course of the past 20 years teaching my children the story of Easter. It was usually done through good books, movies, and plays from our church. I was always looking for ways to keep the story interesting to them and in front of them in a simple way that they could understand. We even made it a tradition to make our Resurrection Garden every year, which they really looked forward to. They loved making crosses out of sticks they found in the yard!

You'd be surprised by how quickly children can understand the concept and we shouldn't take it for granted that they won't.

But I know you, Mom, who is busy and schedule is full and you just need something that is quick, fun and easy. Something that can reinforce what the whole holiday is about.

So while you do want to spend time sharing them the story of Easter from the Bible or children's Bible. Here are some extra fun ways to "bring home" the true meaning for younger children.

1. Reenact the day of the Resurrection and use this fun wooden play set to teach through the Bible.

2.  Easter Resurrection Eggs - these are so basic and popular it wouldn't be an Easter post if I didn't include them!

3. THE EASTER STORY EGG - we did an entire post including videos of how these are used HERE.

4. He Lives! Easter Puppets are great for smaller children to use with a children's story book or Bible. They also get to play with it later!

5. Easter Pop Out  Puzzle with stands - This neat puzzle can turn 3D that prop up to make for lots of fun playing time.

 Easter Flannel Board is another great way to get hands on learning about this special day.

 Color the Psalms coloring book  - this one is for adults but it would work great to do it with a child just for fun! You could even hang or frame your finished work.

Teach about the events leading up to Easter with this cute Easter Wreath Craft. Hang it all month long for them to remember and look at it and reuse it every year.

I just pinned a bunch of hands-on Easter crafts and activities over at my Easter Pinterest Board as well so "hop"by and come and visit us! You can follow it here:

Follow June Fuentes's board Easter on Pinterest.

If all you have time to do is read to them, you can read the original story from the Bible or pick one of these:


I hope this list blessed you!

*This post contains affiliate links----thank you for visiting!


Pamela said...

What an awesome post! I wish I had this list when my girls were young, but I'll be sharing it with them for my grandchildren. Thanks, too, for hosting the party yesterday.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Thanks for visiting, Pamela, and your welcome!

Many blessings...

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Thank you for sharing.


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