Monday, November 30, 2015

My Holiday Weekend & Cyber Monday!

Did you have a great weekend enjoying it with family and friends? I hope you did. We had a ton of fun and enjoyed being with extended family at my sister-in-laws house. I did not have to cook, just show up with out hungry tribe and we were welcomed with open arms!

There were actually three tables and this is just one of them!

Here is a quick peek at Bella's Thanksgiving dress. This child cannot stay still to save her life! I took about a hundred pictures of her and this was probably one of the best ones where you could actually see her dress. 

(This was upstairs in her Nana's room-- if you look closely you can see the dress has gold glitter roses on it. I saw this dress at JC Penney's and fell in love with it but they didn't have her size. I ended up finding the exact same dress at Once Upon a Child with the tags still on them! I thought the roses were fitting because her middle name is Rose.)

During the holiday vacation my son talked me into going out for Black Friday so he could get a Bear Grylls knife on sale. I never go out on Black Friday and much rather prefer doing my shopping online. It wasn't so bad though, here is what the line looked like but thankfully it went pretty quick and there were no brawls or chaos!

I wanted to remind everyone that if they are looking for deals for Cyber Monday to not forget to check out the Wise Woman Christmas Gift Guide! There are tons of discounts to be found, and there is even a discount section listed for each business so you can find it easily.

You would be supporting many Christian families who own their own business and/or consultants (or affiliates) for companies that help bring a part time income to their home.

Here is a quick list of the companies listed:

Lilla Rose
Fruitful Vine Creations
JM Cremps (for boys)
Young Living
The Breezy Tulip Studio
Clementine Pattern Co.
Mary & Martha
The Homemaker's Depot
Stamp Noveau
Making Gluten Free Easy
Papa's Candle Shoppe
Usborne Books
Simple Gifts Farm
A Humble Home
Life Leadership
It Works
Trim Healthy Mama
Pioneer Woman Collection

You can find our Wise Woman Christmas Gift Guide here!

Hope you find something you like!

*This post contains affiliate links.

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