Friday, June 26, 2015

Weekend Highlights: Losing Joy in Motherhood, Examining Idols, Marriages Falling Apart & More!

We are enjoying our summer break around here in the  Fuentes household. It seems like it takes a good week or two every year to recover from our homeschool year. It is nice to fill our schedule with things other than school and breath in the relaxing breeze of summer.

Here are a couple of encouraging posts you will want to check out this weekend:

I Forgot How to Be the Happy Mom - "The other day a friend of mine told me to have fun with my kids. I said in reply – I don’t know if I know how to do that anymore.  Just typing that brings tears to my eyes."

Hello, I Am an Idol - "Hello. I am an idol. Don’t be afraid, it’s just me. I notice you’re turned off by my name: “Idol.” It’s okay. I get that a lot. Allow me to rename myself. I’m your family. Your bank account. Your sex life. The people who accept you. Your career. Your self-image."

10 Ways That Satan Love to See Marriages Fall Apart "Marriage can be extremely messy. As sinners we can do dumb things in marriage - we hurt one another; we make false assumptions and then miscommunicate; we manipulate of say mean things to our spouse; we think less about serving and more about being served."

When Satan Steals Your Motherhood - "No, it's just not the mistakes. It's not the forgetfulness, It is what happens on the inside that no one else sees. And he knows just how to get to you."

During the summer I like to catch up on my reading. Last night I was browsing through this book:

It is A Woman's Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything and you can find it on Amazon. 

Here is a quick peek of my peonies that grow outside my bedroom window. I just love peonies, they are so large and beautiful. I only wish they lasted all spring and summer long! They were given to me by mother-in-love when we first moved into our house.

We have been having so much rain--here is a picture of the front of our home after a storm. It am grateful we are on a hill and didn't get any rain in our home at all. These are pictures from my phone and I am still mastering the art of a steady hand and focusing.

And we have been enjoying our garden---this past week we ate salad strictly from it, and it was so nice! Here is a picture of little Isabella when we planted a few things a few weeks ago. We like to start'em young around here! Isn't she so cute? Do you see her adorable little toes?

We are growing tomatoes, green peppers, sweet potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, onions, sweet peas, lettuce, broccoli, and raspberries. I have some nasturtium seeds I still have to get in yet. I really wanted to grow kale but didn't find it anywhere this year.

We love to share a deeper look at our family life that you won't see here
 on the blog over at Instagram
so be sure to follow us if you are there!

I hope you enjoyed our pictures!

Have a blessed weekend building up your family!

"Aaah, summer - that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It's a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends."

-D. Hammond

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1 comment:

Myhomeofmanyblessings said...

Awww,your little one probably loved playing in the dirt! We all love spring and summer around here!


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