Friday, November 29, 2013

The Pursuit of Motherhood Release and Half off Black Friday Sale with Giveaway! ***NOW CLOSED***" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" target="ej_ejc"><img src="" border="0" alt=""></

Some days do you feel all alone as a mother?
Do you suffer from infertility?
Are you weary?
Do you need help mothering from a biblical perspective?
Do you want to leave a Christlike legacy to your children?
Do you need encouragement on breastfeeding or raising young children?
Are you a mom suffering with health issues?
Do you have a special needs child?

Explore topics that concern real moms from real moms.

We want you to know that you are NOT alone--- and we want to encourage you.

Because Motherhood can be hard and sometimes you just need a helping hand. 

Today we just released the NEW eBook, The Pursuit of Motherhood! We had been working on this project earlier this year and I am so glad that we can finally share it with you!" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" target="ej_ejc"><img src="" border="0" alt=""></

It is written by several popular authors and bloggers you know and love such as :

  • Kelly Crawford from Generation Cedar
  • Mary Clendenin from The Encouraging Home
  • Sara Elizabeth Dunn from A Mama's Story
  • Caroline Allen from The Modest Mom
  • Lindsey Stomberg from Road to 31
  • Jacqueline Franks from Deep Roots at Home
  • Melanie Young from Raising Real Men
  • Melinda Martin from Musings of a Minister's Wife
  • Heather Kaye from Raising Mighty Arrows
  • Amy Roberts from Raising Arrows
  • Melanie Moor from Only a Breath
  • Jennifer Allen (contributor to The Modest Mom)
  • Richele McFarlin from Under the Golden Apple Tree
  • and me! 

Here is a peek of the Table of Contents:

The Wise Mother
The Praying Mother
Mothering Through the Little Years
The Working Mom
The Stay at Home Mom
The Work at Home Mom
Part 1: Infertility and Adoption
Part 2: The Empty Womb and Adoption
The Modest Mom
Breastfeeding and Child Attachment
The Stressed Mom
The Homeschooling Mother
Mothering a Child with Special Needs
Raising Real Men
Raising Homemakers
Be Fruitful and Multiply
Biblical Motherhood
Leaving a Legacy" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" target="ej_ejc"><img src="" border="0" alt=""></

 A quote from the book:

" sojourners in a place that is not our home, we must be warriors first, if we are to be Christians at all.~~~and Satan has waged no greater war than the one against the home, the family, and the role women play there. That should be our sign: we are under attack precisely because the enemy knows the power and influence of a godly wife and mother devoted to raising up children for the glory of God and helping her husband fulfill his calling in the Kingdom work God gives him.~~~So I say, raise your daughter to be a warrior, wearing the full armor of God so she will be able to avert the darts the enemy hurls at her, through criticism, self-doubt and discouragement. Teach her to look to the Author and Finisher of her faith for her validation and worth. Help her to fear only God and not man. And remind her that the mission field of home is a battle ground worth fighting for."

 -Kelly Crawford, Generation Cedar

If you are looking for some encouragement, knowing you are not going it all alone--this is it, ladies, a great eBook that shares hope, inspiration, and vision for moms today

It will be half off through Cyber Monday and then go back to it's original price of $7.99 afterwards.

Click here to get the book half off today! (Sale is over)

You can find it at it's original price ($7.99) buy clicking the BUY NOW button below:

Buy Now

And don't forget to enter our giveaway below--we are giving away three copies to three of our special readers! If you buy the book we will be happy to return your money if you win!

Hope you win! 

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