Monday, September 30, 2013

Our Big News!!!

We are so happy to announce that we received some surprising and wonderful news last week.

Can you guess what it is?!

Yes, we are expecting a NEW BABY!!!!

This will make number NINE!

Here is a bit of the story---I had recently switched to a gluten free diet and felt so hungry for the past few weeks and kept telling everyone, "This gluten free diet makes me feel so hungry---like I am never full." Then one day I was eating a bowl of grapes. Boy, did those grapes just taste ah-mazing.

Now, I knew something was going on. Grapes tasting amazing and not just like regular grapes?? Hmmmmmm.....something seemed strange, and I felt different. And when was the last time I had my period? Three pregnancy tests and a doctor visit later (yes, I was surprised and had to make sure) we are now back on prenatal vitamins after seven years since our twins!

We are so grateful for your prayers! Thank you all for your kind words, love, and support-- they mean SO much to us as a family in this new season of our lives. We are grateful for each and every one of you!  Please pray that all would go well and the baby and myself would be kept safe during this special time.  The Lord has been so kind and good to us, and He is worthy to be praised.

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him. 
 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
    are children born in one’s youth. 
 Blessed is the man
    whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
    when they contend with their opponents in court.

-Psalm 127:3-5


Maiden Princess said...

Congratulations! That is so wonderful! May the Father continue to have His hand of protection and safety over the rest of your pregnancy. Smiling with you!

In His Love,
Maiden Princess

The Lavallee's said...

Congratulations! What a blessing for sure!!!! We are expecting our 8th right now (due in December) and my husband is also a Pastor! Great blessings on a wonderful pregnancy and a beautiful delivery! I'm visiting from

Unknown said...

Congrats! Awesome news!

Sarah Coller said...

Yay!! What a wonderful blessing. We have 9 as well. Congratulations!

K.M. Logan said...

Praise the Lord! Praying for a healthy and easy pregnancy.

Unknown said...

That's wonderful!

Okaasan said...

Congratulations!!! I'm telling you, there is something in the water, because everyone is getting pregnant! (Me, included!)

nogmamme said...

Congratulations! That's Wonderful news!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!!!! Many blessings from France

Mrs. White said...

I am so excited for you!! Such wonderful news!!

Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home

Mrs. A said...


Cher Marie said...

Such sweet and blessed news! Congratulations to you and your family... May you walk in step with the Spirit as the Lord brings this precious babe to your womb and know that though this blog is a blessing to many, we will all be okay if you do not post as often as you normally have. The Lord may be restructuring your time at this season once again. Thank you for your faithfulness to our Lord and your wonderful example of obedience to sharing His Truths of the heart and home for women.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord Bless you and give you his peace! Congrats to you and your family! You are in our prayers!

JustForDaisy said...

Congratulations. Praying for health throughout x

H said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! Happy healthy pregnancy and birth to you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulatins from Portugal! Such great news!!! I wish you and for your new baby all the best.
May Our Lord bless you and your family.

Jessica said...


Ashley@ stay-at-home daughter said...

Yay! Congratulations!!!

Denece said...

As a member of family of 9 children, I say to you may God open the heavens and pour out His blessings on your family. Praying that your pregnancy is healthy, your delivery is a breeze and your life is filled with laughter.

Anonymous said...

~ <3 ~ Congratulations!! ~ <3 ~

Unknown said...

Congratulations ♥

Unknown said...

that is such great news God bless

Unknown said...

Congratulations! May The Lord bless you with a healthy baby, healthy pregnancy and safe delivery!

Kristi said...

That is just amazing! God never ceases to amazes me with His power, greatness, and love!!! Congratulations!!!

Junia said...

Congratulations! What a joy to hear a mom who is so joyful about another pregnancy! I have recently had a big heart change in relation to welcoming more children into our family. I realize I really don't have a right to choose the # of children I am willing to receive from the Lord's hand. My husband does not have this conviction and I am struggling to know how to deal with it w/in the Lord's boundaries of a submissive heart. Of course, I am not refusing intimacy, but it is sad to me to have to separate intimacy from the potential of new life.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and your family!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery :)

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you and your family!

Fellow Citizen said...

Congratulations! What a blessing!

Jessica said...

I was hoping that was the surprise. Congratulations!!!

Paula said...

So happy for you and your family, June!!!

Karen said...

Congratulations!!! Surprise blessings are the best! I got one myself at age 42 and sailed through that pregnancy without one problem.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! God Bless! So very happy for you!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

What wonderful news!
We are so very happy for you.
Harvest Lane Cottage

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Awesome news for your family!

Annah Hill said...

Congratulations!! That's so exciting, and I will be praying for your family!

Summer said...

Congratulations, what a blessing!! We're trying for our 1st :) I'm also doing gluten-free, which I'm hoping makes a difference. Lookin forward to your updates!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Praise be to God for His gift to you and your family.

Hannah Avery said...

Congratulations! How exciting!


Mamasgroup08 said...

thats such great news!!..We just found out we are expecting #6 so I feel honored to be able to share this with u!!...God is good

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, June! What an awesome blessing:) The first sign I knew is that I went from loving coffee to being seriously averted to it with all of my children!

Crystal @ said...

Congratulations! All of mine were conceived on a gluten free diet - unfortunately I had issues carrying - but God blessed our with our daughter last December. Praying for a healthy momma and baby!

Mary said...


Gretchen M. said...

Congratulations! That is sooo wonderful! Another blessing on the way!

Glenda said...

Congratulations! What a blessing-filled surprise for you!

Maria said...

Many congratulations!

Kristy's Cottage said...

Congratulations, June! May the Lord bless you and your new little one during this special season. Take care of yourself, Mama! And best wishes on the gluten-free living. I have been gluten-free for nearly three years now and the health benefits have been so worth it.

Anonymous said...

Love multiplied :0)

Rachel said...


Beth said...

Congratulations!! We are working on adoption number two....hopefully of a little girl with some special needs in China. She is just precious and has every reason to believe she can have a normal, wonderful life with our family. LOTS of prayers are needed for us to get the funds to do this adoption! Blessings to you!!

Rebecca said...

I just found out we're pregnant with #6 as well.. I'm about 6 weeks I think. :) congrats!!

Melinda said...

Congratulations! What a blessing! I'm so happy for you and your family!

Jills Home Remedies said...

So happy for you!! :)

Jan Hatchett said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news! I am an adoptive and biological mama, and while I wish I had had more, God has certainly known what He was doing in my life and gave me no more than I could handle. Blessings on your family!

Barbara said...

This is thrilling news. I am praying for you and your baby!

Jennifer said...

How very wonderful! May God continue to bless you and your family!

Unknown said...

Congrats! This is such beautiful news! Enjoy the journey! Lotsa love, from Pretoria, South Africa!!!!

Bonni said...

So happy for you and your family!! God's ways are the best! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! So excited for you!!

living from glory to glory said...

We as the woman who love and cherish life, say we are so happy for all of you! Your words of wisdom and loving Motherhood will help many who do not understand how wonderful and important it is to live out your convictions!
Thank you for all you do for all woman!
Blessings and health and favor, Roxy

Diana said...


Unknown said...

I am so happy for you! May you be blessed abundantly during this special time:)

Sistergirl said...


HeARTworks said...

Wow! Number 9??? YOU are amazing! patsy

Anonymous said...

Congrats and God Bless xxx

CountryGirl said...

Congrats! It's funny, because I am 2 months along with our fourth and surprisingly I have craved juices and grapes have just tasted ah-mazing!! Totally different from the other three pregnancies.
Well good luck with number 9 and God bless!

Lampasas Homeschool Friends said...

Congratulations! Our God is sooooo good!

Amy @ Raising Arrows said...

Congratulations, June! What a wonderful surprise! :)


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