Monday, July 16, 2012

Meekness is Beauty

Meekness is especially, in the Scripture, commended to women. Again, as we're thinking of why pursue meekness, as women it's natural for us, and our culture really promotes this, to focus on physical beauty—on external adorning, on our hairstyles, on our clothing styles, our jewelry, our makeup. These are the things, if you look at advertisements for women, that are being promoted and advertised as being really important.

But God's Word has some right counsel for us as women. It helps us to see beauty from God's perspective. In 1 Peter chapter 3, verse 4, where the apostle says, "Let your adorning [let the thing that you consider attractive and beautiful] be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty [I love that phrase] of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

A gentle spirit. That word in the original language is meek.

A meek spirit,
a gentle spirit,
a quiet spirit.

Scripture says for a woman to have that internal heart attitude of meekness or gentleness and a quiet spirit gives her a beauty that is imperishable. It's a beauty that cannot fade away.

It's a beauty that you don't have to go through all kinds of cosmetic surgery or makeup routines to preserve. It's something that gets sweeter and richer and more beautiful as you age. 

-Nancy Leigh Demoss

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Mrs. V. said...

I think for many women now days a spirit of meekness does not come as naturally as it once did. So many have not been taught the Godly attributes and have spent their life being as brash as they can be and proud of it. It makes me so sad really. It seems that most of them don't care at all about having a meek demeanor or will even scoff at the thought altogether. And when I have come across one of these women who do want to make a change to put away the brashness and embrace a meek and quiet spirit ~ it is so very hard for them and quite a struggle. I feel that if people had not strayed as far away from Biblical truths as they have in the past few generations this wouldn't be nearly as big a problem as it is now.

A Proverbs 31 Wife said...

Meekness has always been a struggle for me. By nature I am very boisterous, and I often swing between who I am, and who Gods wants me to be. If that makes any sense.

Nancy said...

Love your blog and chose it for an award... details are posted on my own blog here:

Edna said...

Meekness is such an unheard of thing by most women in this world these days. This world sees meekness as weakness but it is actually being strong and in control and not having to be a show off about it. Thank you for reminding us what is important to our Heavenly Farher. If meekness is important to our Father's heart, meekness should be important to our hearts as well..easier said than done but working on it everyday.

Carrie said...

I struggle with this. I am a mother of 3 very rambunctious boys (5, 3 & 18 months and 2 angels in heaven as of 17 days ago) and sometimes all the meekness in me just goes out the window. I feel as if everyday is fighting a war. I grew up in a house with 3 sisters and our house was very calm and respectful and my parents (my dad is a minister) taught us to remember meekness. It just seem to be me anymore. Trying to find my way back....but like I is a struggle.

Anonymous said...

I love this article. I know it takes nothing to give in to pride and emotions, but it takes true strenght and faith to control ourselves. To stay calm and collected amidst all uncertainty is truly amazing. The most important thing in this life for a woman is to be the kind of being that God wants her to be.


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