Thursday, July 26, 2012

Homeschool Sanity

My friend, Sherry Hayes, mother to 15 and blogger over at Large Family Mothering has recently released a new book called Homeschool Sanity. If you take a closer look at the image of the book above you can also see who wrote the forward! :)

(Sherry and child)

Here is what Sherry has to say about it:

My book gives an overview of the different methodologies of homeschooling along with a brief history of education in America. Some of the subjects that are covered are:


Reading and literature





No fancy psycho-anything here. I've rediscovered precisely why things used to work, and why they're so very broken today.

Readers will discover a catalog of successful methodologies for their own re-education. After reading my book, you will not feel tired and anxious; you will be refreshed and filled with real hope!

Gain clarity. Find Peace."

 What others are saying:

"Homeschool Sanity is a culmination of experience and the result of a great deal of work on the part of Sherry Hayes. Not a cheap book with a few words of general advice, Homeschool Sanity provides over 160 pages of thoughtful, practical thinking from a mother of 15 children who has dealt for more than 23 years with the real, every-day problems and difficulties that homeschooling can bring. This book is easy to read, expansive, and a thoroughly practical guide to homeschooling, in which she gives what every homeschool mother and parent needs: Homeschool Sanity. I can't recommend it enough!" 

You can get the book and
 read more reviews HERE.


Psssst----don't forget the Lilla Rose clearance sale up to 75% off
for 3 days only! Many items are already sold out!

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