Saturday, September 10, 2011

True Christian Motherhood {& Super Bundle Giveaway!} ***NOW CLOSED***

*This giveaway is now closed!*

We are SUPER EXCITED to announce that our NEW ebook, True Christian Motherhood is finally HERE!

Here is the description:
Women everywhere are looking for guidance, encouragement and vision. Gone are the days when we would have support from our community, friends and family.  Being a mother in the 21st century can be a challenge for a Christian woman and many are looking for help...

Come be encouraged, and learn all that you would need to know about Christian motherhood. Here, you will be given life-changing vision that will change the way you view motherhood, your life, and the way you engage with your children forever. 

Watch the video:

DOWNLOAD IT NOW for only $7.00!

Buy Now

Pay by PayPal or credit card--Instant digital download 
PDF version

or get it on 

And in celebration of the release of our new eBook, we would like to offer this super bundle giveaway:

    One FREE copy of True Christian Motherhood!

And from our amazing sponsors, The Modest Mom:

One Modest Shell--The perfect solution for turning a low cut shirt into a modest shirt! Simply wear this soft, super comfortable shell that comes below your bust line, making this the perfect layering piece. This is a versatile item as it can be used in pregnancy, nursing, and during your regular seasons in life.

Set of four charts--Set of four laminated, color, page-size charts. Includes the If-Then Chart, the Blessing Chart, the Brother Offended Checklist, (with book) and the Go-to-the-Ant Chart. We offer these 8.5" x 11" versions in response to requests for smaller charts. If you're tight on wall space, or looking for a more durable version of these helpful charts, you'll love this new format!

 A gift certificate for $15 for something lovely at Lilla Rose.
They also have hairsticks, jewelry, orings, hairbands and more...

 A mixed assortment of creamy goats milk soap from my FAVORITE soap people
--Victorian Rose Soap Company

Something lovely to adorn your home--this BEAUTIFUL Romans 10:9 vinyl wall decal (size large) from A Great Impression  ($42 value).

Some fantastic reading to build up your home (or give as gifts) generously donated by Jasmine, who will be heading up the True Christian Motherhood Discussion Group, from Far Above Rubies:

The Duggar's new book--A Love That Multiplies

The Family--by JR Miller

And some goodness for your husband too!

Nurturing a Godly Wife by Jason Ross

Whew! Now to enter this giveaway you must visit and come back leave a comment sharing something about motherhood--it could be a struggle, a victory, what you like/dislike--anything!


If you would like extra entries (optional) you can:

Please leave a comment for each thing you do!

One winner will take it all home and the giveaway ends on Wednesday!

    If you'd like to buy the book, you can do it right now by clicking here:

    Add to Cart

    (I'll  be happy to refund your money if you win!)


    Are you encouraged here? I personally invite you to subscribe and get the latest posts sent to your inbox. Also, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and get updates that are not posted here on the blog.


    1 – 200 of 1342   Newer›   Newest»
    Unknown said...

    I feel honored that God chose to bless me with children. They are a gift! The job of motherhood is not easy all the time but He is always so faithful to guide and direct me, which I am so very grateful for.

    Unknown said...

    I "like" true Christian Motherhood on facebook

    Unknown said...

    I "like" a wise woman builds her home

    Unknown said...

    I requested to join the discussion group

    Unknown said...

    I shared on facebook

    Sonja Long Headings said...

    true Christian Motherhood is a journey that needs to be taken with encouraging helpful friends..

    Unknown said...

    visited Lilla Rose and A Great Impression

    Anonymous said...

    Something about motherhood ... I struggle with the tone of my voice lately. Our Lord has pointed it out to me, though, and I'm working on it.

    Anonymous said...

    I Like your FB blog page

    Anonymous said...

    I like your FB book page

    Anonymous said...

    I'm in the discussion group

    Anonymous said...

    I visited every sponsor you listed

    Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook {tagged you}

    TessBenson said...

    Something about motherhood... im learning so much from my littles. I struggle lately with patience. Since my third precious girl was born. I struggle with quiet time as well.

    Tessbenson (at) gmail (dot) com

    TessBenson said...

    Liked a wise woman on facebook.

    TessBenson said...

    Likes true christian motherhood on fb.

    TessBenson said...

    Facebooked about giveaway.

    Zel said...

    Hi! First of all I wanna say I LOVE your blog. It's one of the many things that fills my day with so much encouragement. I'm a new, young mom to a very loved baby boy and a grateful wife to the most patient, kind-hearted husband who has so much passion for the Lord.

    Earlier this year was the toughest days of my life so far. I had a short 'falling away' state of faith where I made my mind up that Christianity was simply a huge scam that ripped me off of true peace and happiness. I was pregnant with our first child and my husband had no job to support us. He had two severe seizures and finally the doctors figured out he has epilepsy. We both have no insurance and so the hospital bills kept piling up...I was ready to pack my bags and move on! If God weren't able to answer any of our prayers and pleas for help then what's the point of trying?

    My anger and frustration only grew stronger, feeding on every ugly and evil thought from a very sad and bitter heart. I was a mess and nobody knew it but my husband who stayed with me and diligently prayed for me. Everyday I saw compassion and kindness in his eyes pleading me to never lose hope in Christ and his leadership as a husband. Because of such Christ-like love I witnessed, I eventually confronted my foolishness...I, after what seemed like a thousand years, brought myself to my knees and cried like a child to Jesus for forgiveness...for all the pain I caused my partner and hatred I held so selfishly in my heart.

    After a few months of striving to be a better wife and servant, the Lord heard our prayers and his health has gone so much better since then. He now is able to work and drive. A medical community here in town also helped us out with our hospital bills and guess what, we never
    even paid a cent! They covered everything including his medications!

    Tomorrow is our first year anniversary and I just wanna praise the Lord Almighty for never ever forsaking us (man I feel like crying right now lol). I don't know how any marriage could even work at all without Christ and His everlasting grace!


    Angela said...

    Shared on Facebook.

    Angela said...

    I love being a mom! This year has been really tough. My oldest son, Noah is 16, and had been sick since November,2010. He was finally diagnosed with 2 diseases. He has RSD-reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and he also has EDS-Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is a connective tissue disease. He dislocates very easy. He had 2 hospital stays, and a 3 week stay at Cleveland Clinic. and tons of dr appts. My youngest son, Samuel is 12, and he was also diagnosed with EDS. They both require special physical therapy. It has been tough seeing my kids suffer, but it has also been a blessing. I have been able to use the time driving to appts to really talk to my kids. We have grown even closer. Noah told me that he has learned to be more compassionate to others and he thinks God is using this illness to teach him some things. It is really neat to see your kids go thru something like this, and watch God working in their lives and them growing closer in their walk with Christ!

    Angela said...

    I liked True Christian Motherhood on facebook.

    Angela said...

    I like a Wise Woman Builds Her Home.

    Angela said...

    I visited Lilla Rose, A Great Impression(which I really liked), Victorian Rose Soap Company, Doorposts, and The Modest Mom.

    Angela said...

    I requested to join the discussion group.

    Henna-Maria said...

    I was a mother of two kids when I really started searching answers to my questions like...what does it mean to be a (Chrsitian) woman, wife and a mother...??? I read through Bible searching for places that are written especially for women. Then I found Carolyn Mahaney's book 'Feminine Appeal' and will always have Titus 2 verses to remind me of my top tasks "to love her husband and children, and take good care of her home..."
    I find your writing very positive and encouraging, your way of urging mothers to remember their most important work is excellent!

    I hope I will win!

    Lisa H. said...

    What I love most about motherhood is the sanctification that comes from it. Parenting is a crucible to refine us, the parents, to make us like our Savior. Without the challenges of children(and the incredible blessings!) we would not grow up.

    Lisa H. said...

    I have visited several of the sponsor sites.

    Henna-Maria said...

    I visited the sponsors...
    Those soaps are beautiful!
    And found many interesting resources at Doorposts...

    Kelsi said...

    I love being able to spend every day instilling God's truth, love and joy into the children that He has blessed me with! It is truly a gift...
    Psalm 127:3!

    Henna-Maria said...

    I like AWWBHH in Facebook!

    Kelsi said...

    I liked True Christian Motherhood on FB

    Kelsi said...

    I liked "A Wise Woman Builds her Home" on FB

    Kelsi said...

    I visited Great Impressions and am so excited to start shopping there!

    Katy said...

    I truly love being a mother. My heart breaks for many women that I know who are struggling to get pregnant. I treasure my little ones, and can't imagine my life any other way! :)

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

    Katy said...

    I *like* True Christian Motherhood on facebook! Katy A.

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

    Katy said...

    I *like* A Wise Woman Builds her Home on facebook! Katy A.

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

    Katy said...

    I requested membership into the facebook group! Katy A.

    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

    Courtney Jean said...

    I feel that being a stay at home mother is a blessing from above. I also have been the work all week mom, and never before have I enjoyed my children and focused on them as I do today being a stay at home christian mother. Thank you June for your inspiration!

    Courtney Jean said...

    I liked on facebook.

    Anonymous said...

    I liked True Christian Motherhood on facebook.

    Courtney Jean said...

    I liked A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on facebook.

    Anonymous said...

    I liked A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on facebook.

    DebW said...

    What an overwhelmingly HUGE giveaway!

    Anonymous said...

    I joined the True Christian Motherhood discussion group.

    DebW said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood

    DebW said...

    I like A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

    Katy said...


    thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

    Courtney Jean said...

    I joined the discussion group on facebook.

    Courtney Jean said...

    I shared this giveaway on facebook.

    Courtney Jean said...

    I visited "Nurturing a Godly wife" website, and I love his quote at the bottom...wives are the husbands helpmeet, not their work crew. LOL!

    Unknown said...

    Joined the discussion group

    Unknown said...

    Joined the facebook group True Christian Mother

    Courtney Jean said...

    I visited "The Modest Mom" website, I really want a shell to go under some of my "immodest" shirts. I need one in white AND black!

    Courtney Jean said...

    I visited the Victorian Rose Soap Co and I love the scented sculpted soaps, especially the one shaped like an angel.

    KJean said...

    I "like" True Christian Motherhood on FB

    KJean said...

    Motherhood: such a blessing from above and a joy to my heart, even through the rough times. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

    Courtney Jean said...

    I visited the Lilla Rose website and love the hair pins for me and my 2 daughters hair! Beautiful!

    KJean said...

    I "like" A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on FB

    Courtney Jean said...

    I visited A Great Impression website, I would love to have the Romans 10:9 on my wall, what a great way to spread God's word without saying a word! Just invite people over and they may just be saved!

    KJean said...

    I visited all the sponsors

    Courtney Jean said...

    I visited the Doorposts website, and I love the "Blessings" wall chart.

    Suzanne said...

    I struggle regularly with what motherhood should look like when it comes to balancing love and grace with discipline. God is so gracious to continue to show me how to do that, even in the midst of difficult situations. I have to constantly remember that He is working on me just like He is working on my children.

    Suzanne said...

    I "liked" A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on Facebook.

    Suzanne said...

    I requested to join the True Christian Motherhood Discussion Group.

    Christine said...

    God has used motherhood to grow me more than just about anything else. I am so thankful for my children! So excited about the book, and the giveaway!

    Christine said...

    I liked "True Christian Motherhood" on FB

    Christine said...

    I already liked A Wise woman builds her home too. :)

    Marleah said...

    I always thought I was a patient person...until I had children. Now, I know there is no possible way for me to be a good mother, a PATIENT mother, without the daily help of God. It's so important to have a community of Godly women supporting you as a mother.

    Suzanne said...

    I visited Lilla Rose.

    Suzanne said...

    I visited Vision Forum.

    Tress said...

    Good Morning! What a wonderful giveaway-before I even saw the giveawy I shared the post about the book on fb as an encouragement to those who are Christian Moms and are my friends on fb. Right now as a Christian mom I am struggling w/ people who are not Christians and do not accept our Christian practices in raising our daughter. Recently we had to pull our daughter from a coop as they were too worldly in their ways and very outspoken about their beliefs in budhism and utilitarian beliefs. I am also a fan on fb of True Christian Montherhood on fb as well. Thank you for all you share w/ us here and the inspiration you are.
    Blessings to you,

    Anonymous said...

    Visited A Great Impression and Victorian Rose Soap Co.

    Suzanne said...

    I visited A Great Impression Inspirational Wall Decals.

    Sarah Robbins said...

    What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks to all the sponsors for their generosity.

    Sarah Robbins said...

    I liked you on Facebook.

    Sarah Robbins said...

    I visited the following sites:

    Far Above Rubies

    A Great Impression

    Victorian Rose Soap

    Lilla Rose

    Doorposts (those charts are super cool!)

    The Modest Mom

    Ellen said...

    Motherhood---I struggle with time, especially lately. With hs lessons, household chores, cooking, just seems some days to add up to those precious moments sometimes being lost.

    Ellen said...

    I like Wise Woman on FB ♥

    Ellen said...

    Like true Christian Motherhood on FB ♥

    jai said...

    I do not have a spiritual heritage of Christian mother or grandmothers. I cling to Jesus to show me what He wants me to be as a Godly mother. I thank Him for blitz like these, and His Word, and a patient husband.

    jai said...

    Liked this site on Facebook.

    jai said...

    Liked Wise Woman on Facebook.

    jenmom said...

    I just "liked" True Christian Motherhood on Facebook!

    Leah said...

    I love being a mother - it is what I was made for! My children are such a blessing. Every time I look at them I feel so unworthy to be allowed to be there mom when I mess up so much. But God is so gracious and merciful. He gives us so many gifts that we don't deserve. I am so grateful for my children and for a Matchless Creator that loves me! :)

    jenmom said...

    I've also "liked" A Wise Woman Builds her home on Facebook!

    jai said...

    Visited all the sponsor sites. I have had the charts and Duggar book on my wishlist for a very long time. Love The Modest Mom! As a curvy woman, dressing modestly can pose a challenge.

    Valerie said...

    Motherhood is the toughest thing I have ever tried to do. Maybe because God uses my children to point out my sins. I am so thankful God used something as wonderful as children to direct my life to Him.

    Carie said...

    I have grown so much as a person by being a mother. I see my sins carried out by my children and God shows me where I need to work on my faults. Its hard to be selfish when there are little ones around. I feel so blessed that God chose me to love these 4 children we have.

    jenmom said...

    My greatest struggle right now in motherhood is balancing it all and lack of patience! I just asked our prayer group at church last night to pray with me about this issue this week.
    I have three kiddos ages 13, 6, and 2. I want to love my little gifts well for the glory of God and their good!

    Anonymous said...

    I love being a mom to 4 wonderful children who are so very similar and yet very different. They are a challange and a blessing to raise and as I mold and shape them I find myself learning more about not just them but me.

    Leah said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on Facebook

    Leah said...

    I like A Wise Woman Builders Her Home

    Leah said...

    I requested to join the discussion group

    Leah said...

    I visited the Modest Mom to check out their Modest Shell - would love to have one of those!

    Leah said...

    I shared the giveaway on facebook :)

    Anonymous said...

    looks like a wonderful package of gifts! I would love to win.

    Vicky said...

    I feel as though I'm truly blessed to have my children and I'm so very grateful for them! My husband and I created them out of love and that makes it even more special!

    Vicky said...

    I already like True Christian Motherhood on Facebook.

    Vicky said...

    I already like A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on Facebook!

    Vicky said...

    I shared this giveaway on Facebook!

    Vicky said...

    I visited Lilla Rose's website! So cute!

    Vicky said...

    I visited Doorposts website, I never knew those existed, I LOVE it!! Thank you for this giveaway, even if I don't win, at least I know about this company now!

    Debbie Johnson said...

    I struggle with all of the intentions I have in regard to my mothering verses what I really end up accomplishing in that area.

    Vicky said...

    I visited the Victorian Rose Soap Company's website. I've never heard of soap made out of goat's milk, very interesting :) said...

    I like knowing my children will touch a day and time I will never see, and thus I have also touched the future.

    Vicky said...

    I went to join the discussion group and it is closed :(

    Vicky said...

    I went to the Modest Mom's website, where have those modest shells been my whole life? LOL!

    goattrainer at juno dot com said...

    "liked" TCM on Facebook

    Darcy Carmichael said...

    Motherhood is the hardest job I've ever had and even though I have moments that I feel like giving up, one look in the faces of my girls pushes that thought away. I know that I am fulfilling my God-given ministry!

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    I love being a mother. I struggle with patience and getting upset about things that just don't matter. I'm learning how to deal with a child who is just like me :)

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    I Like TCM on Facebook

    Family of Faith said...

    Motherhood is an incredible, amazing gift. I feel so blessed to have been entrusted with four beautiful children. But I have to say that without the grace of God, it would be one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do!

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    I already like A Wise Woman on Facebook!

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    I asked to join the discussion group!

    Family of Faith said...

    I liked True Christian Motherhood on Facebook


    mtnmamaof4 said...

    Sharing about motherhood.... It is a constant struggle between joy and sorrow, frustration and elation as I watch my children grow and change into the people God wants them to be. It is an exercise in constant sacrifice- both giving myself and my children to Him. It is the most wonderful and the most difficult job on earth (imho)!

    mtnmamaof4 said...

    I like A Wise woman on fb

    mtnmamaof4 said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on FB

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    Visited Miss Karen at Victorian Rose Soap. Love, love, love her soaps! and Lilla Rose. Definitely need to order some flexi-clips!

    Darcy Carmichael said...

    I like A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on FB!

    Family of Faith said...

    Liked A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on Facebook.


    Darcy Carmichael said...

    I liked True Christian Motherhood on FB!

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    I shared on Facebook

    Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

    I shared on twitter

    Michelle said...

    I "liked" True Christian Motherhood on FB.

    Michelle said...

    I "liked" A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on FB.

    Tracy said...

    Motherhood is so humbling. It is such an awesome responsibilty. Lately the Lord has been telling me to "slow down" and "not rush". I want to use wisely the time I have been given with each child to give them a solid foundation in the Word of God and an unshakable faith in the Jesus.

    Darcy Carmichael said...

    I shared about the giveaway on FB!

    Tracy said...

    I "like" True Christian Motherhood!

    Darcy Carmichael said...

    I visited The Modest Mom!

    Tracy said...

    I "like" A Wise Woman Builds Her Home!

    Michelle said...

    I recently found out that I am pregnant with #6. I cried because WE were finished having children. A wonderful Christian momma counseled me and reminded me how blessed I am that God would entrust another little life to us. I still struggle with feelings of unworthiness and being overwhelmed with everything, but I try to remind myself that God is in control. He knew this baby was going to be here. If I lean on Him, He will give me everything I need to be the best wife and mom I can be,

    Darcy Carmichael said...

    I visited Doorposts!

    Darcy Carmichael said...

    I visited Lilla Rose!

    Michelle said...

    I visited Doorposts and Lilla Rose sites.

    Jessica Luck said...

    My journey in motherhood has been a struggle. I have longed to have the older women that Titus speaks of but there seem to be very few who are willing. This will be something that I will strive to change in the future. Thank you for offering this bundle.

    The Dixie Cajun said...

    I "LIKED" true Christian Motherhood on facebook. :-)

    Cherl Royer said...

    motherhood is a challange and the ministry God has given me to do at this time in my life, I wouldn't trade my job for any other in the world :) I love being a mother

    The Dixie Cajun said...

    I "LIKED" a wise woman builds her home

    Rachel said...

    I love being a Mom, but do often struggle with confidence in knowing I am doing the job the way it needs to be done. I love the idea of Titus 2 and do desire to be taught by those who have done it before me. However, I wouldn't trade my life right now for anything.

    The Dixie Cajun said...

    I requested to join the discussion group

    The Dixie Cajun said...

    I shared on facebook. :-)

    Family Cakes said...

    I have been blessed with 5 sweet ones but I am definitely struggling with them growing up!!

    Blessed Homemaking said...

    As far as motherhood--I am always keenly aware of how I live my life as a mother will affect my children in their future lives, as well as my grandchildren and so on. That is a truly intimidating thought! I know I only do this through the help of Jesus.

    Anonymous said...

    I visited TrueChristianMotherhood and the book looks great and like it covers so many topics concerning moms. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book. I know that I need encouragement in raising my 4 children. Somedays I can get so discouraged that I am not doing it right or enough, etc. I'm glad the Lord laid it upon your heart, June, to write this book. Blessings,
    Nancy at

    Mommyof5 said...

    I love being a mom. It's what I always wanted to be was a stay at home mom and homeschool them. I am so very blessed that I am able to do that! My hardest thing is the last few years money has been SO tight because of unemployment. I get tired of people asking if I'm going to put the kids in school and get a job. I am doing the job God gave me and every time I have tried to "help" by getting a part time job, it costs us money. I am trusting God who has never left us hungry or naked.

    Blessed Homemaking said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on FB.

    Anonymous said...

    I visited Doorposts. I had heard of the If/Then Chart from The Maxwells over at Titus2 and never checked it out. Thanks for the chance to win these.

    Nancy at

    Blessed Homemaking said...

    I like A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.

    Anonymous said...

    I visited Modest Mom cloting.

    Nancy at

    Anonymous said...

    I visited Great Impressions for the wall art. I've been looking for a site like this. Thanks for sharing it.

    Nancy at

    Blessed Homemaking said...

    I'm part of the True Christian Motherhood Discussion Group.

    Jennifer said...

    When I make a conscious effort to enjoy and encourage my children, I find that mothering is so much easier and many discipline issues just disappear.

    Blessed Homemaking said...

    I visited Far Above rubies, Doorposts, and Victorian Rose Soap Company.

    Anonymous said... richer and more blessed than I ever imagined it being prior to God blessing us with our first. It is also a harder task than I ever imagined it being! But, every sacrifice, every bit of sanctification it provides is worth it. Our children are a blessing and heritage! Thanks, June, for your writing and encouragement!

    Anonymous said...

    I visited The Great Impression and the Victorian Rose Soap Company. Beautiful products! I didn't visit the others this morning, as I already have!

    Jennifer said...

    Oh excitement of excitements! I would love to enter the giveaway, but my husband's book is part of it!! What a blessing this book will be!

    Anonymous said...

    I have liked A Wise Woman on FB

    Anonymous said...

    I have liked True Christian Motherhood on FB.

    Eliza Rae said...

    When you're a mother, even if you're not a morning person you have to be.

    Blessed Homemaking said...

    I blogged about it

    Trudie said...

    Being a mom has taught me so much, I now know that I cannot do anything of value or live a life of value without our Lord and Saviour. God needs to be central in everything we do as a family and especially me as a mom. I need to guide my family to Him at all times. Being a homemaker, mom, wife and daughter to the one true King is difficult, without a doubt, but He is there to guide me at all times!

    Raji said...

    Leaving a Corporate world and becoming a Stay at Home Mom was difficult only in the sense of it not being the norm with my peers and family. I felt it was looked down upon because i decided to stay at home with my children. Others felt it would not be a financial struggle if i worked. I am so glad that i had a wonderful husband who encouraged and urged me to be home with my children. I love my new "job" and role of a mother. :)

    Momrempel said...

    in 2004 I was told that it would be almost impossible to get pregnant, due to PCOS, and other unexplained infertility issues. Then in 2005 I was diagnosed with stage one cancer. After successful surgery to remove the cancer, I was given a clean bill of health in July 2005. In April 2006, I discovered I was 9 weeks pregnant! We were estactic!!! At just shy of 30 weeks my little girl was born and spent 8 weeks in NICU....when she was 14 months old, we discovered we were expecting again! Though a difficult journey to parenthood, I am completely blessed by these two miracles. I love being a mom and would not give it up for the world!!! God has been so good, and I can't wait to see all that He teaches me through these two daughters of mine:)

    Raji said...

    like true christian motherhood on facebook

    Momrempel said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on FB

    Momrempel said...

    I like A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on FB

    Raji said...

    like a wise woman builds her home on facebook

    Eliza Rae said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on facebook.

    Eliza Rae said...

    I like A Wise Woman on facebook.

    Jules said...

    I treasure each moment that I get to spend with my children. I love my children

    Momrempel said...

    I am a member of the True Christian Motherhood discussion group on FB

    Raji said...

    joined true christian motherhood discussion group

    Momrempel said...

    I visited Far Above Rubies

    Momrempel said...

    Visited A Great Impression

    Paula said...

    I visited your site, and I will have to say, one thing out of many that I love about motherhood, is experiencing the lovely fruit of all our hard work, and seeing our children growing into godly young men and women.

    Unknown said...

    Motherhood. For me it started when I was 18, I never pictured being a mom that young and resented it. My struggle, which likes to rear it's ugly head now and then, is to not be selfish with my time. To remember that God gave me these blessings and to cherish them as they grow.

    Unknown said...

    I also follow A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on facebook.

    Momrempel said...

    Visited Doorposts

    Paula said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on FB.

    Paula said...

    I like Wise Woman on Fb.

    Paula said...

    I joined the True Christian Motherhood discussion group.

    Tami @ said...

    My biggest struggle is not getting in Bible and prayer time with my kiddos, um, I mean, teenagers!

    Alissa said...

    I absolutely love motherhood!! We are expecting blessing #5 and I feel so priviledged that God has called me to this role in life!

    Alissa said...

    visited Lilla Rose website

    Alissa said...

    visited Doorposts website

    Raji said...

    visited A Great Impression and Lilla Rose and love them both....

    Jan said...

    There is no happier moment than when all the house is quiet after a full day of activity in my home! What a blessing to have happy, active children!

    Jan said...

    I like wise woman on Facebook

    Tami @ said...

    I like True Christian Motherhood on Facebook.

    Tami @ said...

    I like A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on Facebook.

    Tami @ said...

    I joined the True Christian Motherhood Discussion Group.

    Valerie said...

    I like true christian motherhood on fb

    Raji said...

    Recently started visiting doorposts and purchased products and all the products at Victorian Rose look amazing....

    Nora@TheDollarHolleringHomemaker said...

    That it is a true journey! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was my home!

    Nora@TheDollarHolleringHomemaker said...

    visited the lila rose website

    Valerie said...

    I joined the discussion group.

    Valerie said...

    I visited Vision Forum this morning.

    Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

    Fabulous prizes! I'd love to enter this giveaway.

    Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

    Just shared on facebook!

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