Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to Throw a Summer Tea Party

Summer is a wonderful time to get together in lovely weather and catch up with some close friends...

What a great reason to throw a Summer Tea Party!
It can be large or intimate--- you pick what would work best for you....

How to Throw a Summer Tea Party:

1. Make invitations and invite all your friends. A summer tea party calls for light attire and perhaps a sun hat (tell everyone to bring one and you will draw a prize to a winner). These days you could even create a Facebook fanpage and have all the ladies confirm there.

2. Create a menu--make it something light without heavy sauces that might spoil in the sun. Cheese, crackers, nuts, fruits and salads, cookies, tarts, scones,  and teacakes are good. Here is a sample menu. You will want to make iced tea instead of hot tea and also have some extra chilled drinks on the side such as water, juice, pop, etc. Have fun with your drinks and add frozen fruit to it to use as ice cubes (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pineapple chunks,  are good for this. Use lemon slices and mint from the garden for garnish.

3. Prepare your party area. Try to set up your table in a cool spot under a tree or use a canopy for shade. Clean all lawn furniture and make sure the yard is clean of debris.  Prepare the tableware--it's okay to use mismatched cups and plates, it adds to the charm. Also, consider laying out blankets on the lawn to make a restful conversation spot to gaze at stars.

 4. Decorate simply and beautifully. If you have potted flowers you can bring them near the party table area and use garden cuttings for the centerpiece. You might also need citronella candles-- be sure to find some pretty ones.

(Images from Country Living)

 5. Don't forget music! You could play some light classical music in the background or have a friend's daughter or son play a soft instrument. My daughter did that once at a friend's tea party, she played her violin as everyone walked in and it really adds a special touch.

6. Bring on the tea party games!  There are so many---do a Google search and find your favorite.

 Have fun celebrating and enjoy yourself!


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Treasures from a shoebox said...

Beautiful pictures and wonderful ideas! Last summer we hosted a Summer Garden Tea Party next to my herb garden, inviting moms and their daughters. We did this as a pitch-in, to encourage others to join in the fun of making some tea-time delicacies. It was a wonderful occasion, one we hope to repeat this summer! (While the ladies enjoyed the formal tea party, husbands, daddies and brothers gathered in our woods for a hike and a wiener roast, making it fun for the whole family!)

Here's the link to the post about our Summer Garden Tea Party:

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning,
What a lovely tea party! I enjoyed your photos and I do love a tea party! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas. I would love to have you stop by and enjoy my tea party. Wishing you a delightful day.


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Beautiful tea party! Thanks so much for sharing! Would love to feature one of your tea parties on my blog if you are interested! Contact me at

Many blessings..

LeAnn said...

What an awesome idea; I want to do this one for sure. Thanks for sharing and blessings to you!

Jen @ The Artisan Home said...

I'm looking forward to preparing a summer tea party for my 3 year old daughter's birthday this year! It will be called "teacups & tutu's", a tea and ballerina party! I'll refer back to this post in preparation! Thankyou Mrs Fuentes! :)
Jen @ The Artisan Home

Raising Mighty Arrows said...

I've been trying to plan a tea party for two years now. The timing and company just haven't been right yet, but I was actually out looking for a nice tea set yesterday for my 3 year old daughter and I to get started on ourselves. Any suggestions as to where to find good tea sets? I checked some of the antique and consignment shops but couldn't find anything.

Thanks for posting!

Heather @

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Heather,

I really love this one:

It even comes with a carrying case!

Many blessings...

Raising Mighty Arrows said...

Thank you...I will check that out, and my blog address is actually

Sorry about that if you tried it! :)

Country Victorian said...

We have tea parties every month for our Titus Two classes. It is so much fun coming up with theme's. Next week is our "April Showers Bring May Flowers" tea. We try to show some of our classes at our blog-hope you enjoy it!
I love your picture with the tea setting outside. Are these from your tea's or a picture from another site?

Anonymous said...


I love this site. I have been reasearching tea parties for some time and I think it's itinerant to start my own. Thank you for the Ideas.


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