Friday, June 3, 2011

Helping Your Husband Lead

A godly woman who knows how important it is to build up her home  knows how much more important is to help her husband to lead. Many women today struggle with helping their husband lead as many of us have been taught just the opposite. We were taught as we watched around us to stand in his way, to dominate the relationship and undermine all of his decision making. Women, this should not be so---we should determine in our hearts--how to best help our husbands leads we look to scripture.

We need to:

1. Be prayerful---before you act or speak be prayerful. A godly woman is always growing her prayer life, washing in prayer her family, herself and those around her. She knows how important it is to pray for her husband, his walk, his decision making, his character, his work, his mind, his purity, his protection, etc. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

 2. Not fearful.--Many times as wives we act out and do so out of fear. We are afraid our husbands will make a wrong decision, we are afraid of the future, what others will think,  etc. We need to recognize when that is happening a realize how we can make bad decisions from it. We need to follow the example of Sarah. (1 Peter 3)

3. Be silent--Before we speak we need to make sure we are not speaking out rashly or driven emotionally. Sometimes it helps to be silent for awhile (yes, I know this is hard for many of us!) and pray and think over the situation. (Ecclesiastes 3:7)

4. Communicate biblically-- After we pray, look to scripture/get wise counsel, we need to communicate biblically. We do this with speech that expresses love, with kindness, forgiveness, submissiveness, always hoping and trusting without anger, pride, not keeping a record of wrongs, etc. (Galations 5:22)

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Anonymous said...

These are great gifts! Thanks for sharing. :)

Toyin O. said...

Wise words, thanks for sharing.

Donalacasa said...

Your words at the beginning blessed me. I'm going to keep them up on my computer and refer back to them today. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I've recently been working on really letting my husband lead and truly being his helper the way we were meant to be. It doesn't help him when I nag or put up fits about things I don't agree or want to do. God is really guiding me here. Thanks for your wisdom.

xo brittany @

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Thanks so much for visiting! I am so encouraged when I get to hear from my readers, you all are very special to me. I also hope that whoever invests in these resources will be as blessed as we have.

Many blessings...


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