Monday, November 1, 2010

Where Is My Treasure?

Good morning, ladies!

I want you to take some time to think about where you treasure is. If your true treasure in:

1. The Lord.

2. Your Family

Then I want you to think about:

1. How have I been investing my time?

2. Do I spend my time investing in the things that matter?

3. Do I spend adequate time on both?

4. What things can I plan this month that will change and powerfully impact the two most important things I have listed above?

5. Do I find myself investing a lot of time in things that do NOT matter for eternity--whether they are considered good things or not?

We only have one shot in this lifetime. I recently had friends who lost their oldest daughter in a terrible accident--they were horrified, devastated and shocked beyond belief. If they had known they would have so little time with her, I know they probably would have lived life very differently. 

If you sense that your children's hearts have drifted from you, do all that you can to win them back! Don't just tell others that it is happening--with every fiber of your being go after them and don't let their souls be lost. Invest in the eternal, in Christ and in His work and you will live a rich life serving our King.

I challenge you to live your lives differently today! Live it like it is your last because we know that our days our numbered!

"Lay not up for yourselves treasure upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt an dwhere thieves do not breath through nor steal: for where you treasure is, there will you heart be also."

Matthew 6:19-21



Anonymous said...

A beautiful and compelling post! Thanks so much for all you share!

Beth said...

Wonderful post! Thank you!

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Oooh! Good post! Recently the Lord has placed much of this on my heart. I am investing in my children at a whole new level and I strive to teach them Biblical principles. It has been hard, but so much fruit is coming out of it as I watch my children's heart run to the Lord.

Yesterday, my 10 year old said that he didn't want to read "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". He felt God convicting him and he started to tell me all the things in it that are against what the Bible stands for. Honoring parents, sneaky stuff, sibling conflict. I was stunned, because I had allowed that in my home thinking that it was an innocent book, having never read it. I was proud of him for making that decision and we are forever banning the book in our home. I've had to give up some of my own "vices" such as American Idol and a comedy show that I liked. It isn't the "better" thing or the most "excellent" way. Now my little guys are following my example. I'm so thankful. Also, Halloween has come up so much in our conversation and now I have two children that previously thought Halloween no big deal, totally against it now. Praise the Lord! I'm so thankful that when we pray for our children's hearts and follow God's example, He truly does help us parent and places those convictions upon them without us forcing them on our children. What a blessing. Sorry this is so long, but I am just so thankful!

Aliene said...

Thanks for the post. I need to really think on Where is my treasure.
Need to put some things into action in my life. Good points.

Mrs. Stam said...

Thanks for this post! It was a good convicting one, God did tug my heart for a little while but this post jut made me have to do it! Praise God to use your word and his to get me moving today!

Housework will still be here after the little are in bed, time to pay and read to them!

Have a great day


Elizabeth said...

Thank you for the reminder, especially during this very busy season.

R3 Method Show said...

I have just recommitted myself to spending more focused time on my top 3 which is God/Hubby/Children. Thanks for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

This post hit home for me today. My oldest daughter has drifted from our bond a little. I am determined to steal her back today!

Jill said...

Wonderful post. So true, we must treasure every day. Blessings to you!

Amy said...

A beautiful post. I have a clipping of the artwork you have used (above) and keep it to remind me of the preciousness of childhood and family. Yes, time goes so fast and we do not get another round...this is it. (: Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I so needed to read this today,June! Thanks so much!!

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

Thank you for your godly wisdom! My children are adults with children of their own, but I still feel that I am not done with them. I recently started sharing bible readings with them through emails including my thoughts. ~a mother's work is never done~
Thank you also to those who share comments. I learn from each of you!


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