Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Making of a Home

One of the most rewarding endeavors a homemaker can partake of is making her home lovely for those who live in it. We have talked about making our homes lovely spiritually and now we will look at some ways women take extra care to add the loving details in their home.

These two blogs will introduce us to Tablescaping:

Between Naps on the Porch

The Tablescaper

The Inspired Room shares practicals tips on how to have a peaceful home at Serenity Now: A Peaceful Home

I also like that Nesting Place teaches thriftiness using you might already have.

Warm Pie Happy Home inspires us to decorate for fall with a little Autumn Goodness.

I think no matter what kind of a budget you have you can still make your home a lovely place by being creative. I know many women decorate their homes on a shoestring by integrating a bit of ingenuity. It just takes a little thought and love to add those finishing touches to a room.

I have heard of women who framed children's personal art to decorate their childrens or baby's rooms, and women out in the country who like to decorate naturally bring in boughs, berries and pinecones from the forest and fill decorative bowls with them and hang swags on the wall. In the old days Grandma would find old scraps of material and creative beautiful heirloom quilts to hang on the wall. Once I watched a video of a women decorate her whole home in patterned bedsheets!!! It just goes to show you the lengths a women will go to to make her home special to those who a dear to her. Family photos that are framed also are a readily available source to cozying up a room It really is so simple and ideas can be easily found on the internet today. No home should have empty or bare walls, in my opinion, we must make it a beautiful place for our husband and children to be in no matter how small or large it might be.

I have seen cozy homes decorated strictly from thrift stores and stunned by them--so I don't believe you need alot of money to create special places for your loved ones. My home is not extravagant by any means---it is simple and basic. But I try to use what I have to make it special. The idea is to weave and spin a beautiful, cozy, comfortable refuge for our families every day and not look at it as burdensome but instead as a great blessing and honor to be entrusted by God to even have a family and home to care for.

Know that it is not perfection we are striving for--instead we are doing this to bless and be attentive to those we love. It doesn't have to be glamorous, just practical. Do you have a child that loves to play chess or a daughter who likes to sew? Why not set up a little comfortable corner of the home just for that? Have a husband who needs a place to study?
Be thoughtful and create a space for him like Brenda, her love for her husband speaks louder than any home decorator magazine could!

Remember Christ must always be center of our homes and hearts as we create this refuge. If there is quarreling and strife we fail at creating such a place. So be careful to mind the 'temperature' of peace in your home as well!

It just takes a woman's touch:

(Don't forget to turn off the sound in the sidebar)

I hope this post has inspired you,

now I am off to conquer some rooms!

Have a blessed weekend as you lovingly make your house into a home!

(You can purchase Calamity Jane here.)


Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Oh yes! This post definitely inspired. I especially like the idea of using the chilren's artwork to decorate their walls.

Now if only I could find a place here on the island that sells adhesives for picture frames that won't mess up the landlord's wall I would be set.

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

The video was wonderful. I enjoyed it immensely. So much can be done to transform a place if we give it some thought as homemakers.

Carolina Girl said...

I have been wanting to do something with my home, however I have NO budget right now. You have inspired me to let my daughter collect "nature" as she calls it so we can do some art with it, and arrange things more prettily so my house can be more HOMEY! :) Thank you

Leah said...

Thanks for the inspiration June; sometimes I can get so busy with other areas of home and family life that I forget to give time to creativity and homemaking; yet I LOVE it! Thanks for the 'nudge' :)

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...


Thank you for sharing a link to my post and for all the wonderful blogs you was a blessing to me today!


Joy Comes in the Morning said...

Great post. I remember watching Calamity Jane when I was a kid. This clip always made me excited to be a homemaker one day:) Love it. Blessings.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Loved that little clip of Calamity Jane! How cute did they make that little home!
Love Collette xxx

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

I love the challenge of designing with little to know money - there are truly lovely things to be found out there for close to nothing and even more important - to display family treasures from Gramma's and more...

I have been lurking for a long time now but have never commented. My husband and I love both you and your husbands blogs. They are so encouraging to us and we try to meet the challenge of raising a Godly family in this culture.

We are in Chicagoland and hope to make one of your family meetings someday.

I have lots of design stuff on my sidebar you might enjoy. Thank you for your ministry.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

You inspired me yesterday June! Our downstairs W.C. needed a revamp and my hubby was getting fed up with it. So I used some left over fabric to run up a blind on the sewing machine, went out and bought a lightshade and new lightpull cord and decorated a basket and voila! a new room. He was v pleased and the cost £3.67 plus left over fabric. I may blog about it!!!!!!
Love Collette xxxx

Unknown said...

Some of these very same blogs have really helped inspire me to create a prettier, more comfortable home. And most items came from thrift stores or just from "shopping" my house and being creative!

Kate Jacobs said...

I enjoyed this post so much! Thanks for yje video, too!


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