Saturday, September 26, 2009

HomeBuilders: Our Family Ministry

This past weekend we were blessed to host HomeBuilders at our home again...

click here to read about it.

If you'd like to visit a HomeBuilders group

please visit our blog.


Diane Shiffer said...

I am interested to know if you have any single parents in your group? Our church has a Home Builders group that meets monthly... I hear it is quite good. Sadly, when I asked about attending, I was told it was more of a marriage type of group and actively discouraged from attending. I did/do feel kinda badly about that... although my church is generally so warm and wonderful that I choose not to get bothered by the exclusion♥

Miss Janet said...

What a blessing!

Have a wonderful weekend worshiping our LORD in spirit and in truth!


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Persuaded,

Yes, there are single parents who attend and even unmarried singles who are learning about the biblical home.

I have heard of another group like yours at the church that use a series of workbooks on marriage also called HomeBuilders. That is alot different from what we do. We do not use any workbooks, only notes/handouts on what we are teaching--and it is not just for married couples, it is for everyone! We even have sons and daughters sit in to learn together with mom and dad if they'd like to.

Thanks for visiting!

Many blessings...


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