Tuesday, May 8, 2018

5 Ways to Teach Character When You're a Busy Mom


Go ahead, say it again--we are all busy!

As much as we'd like to slow down--if we are honest, some days just do not allow for it. But that doesn't mean we can't take the time to teach our children godly character in the midst of our busy schedules. We just need to intentionally and naturally integrate teaching good character into our days.

You're thinking "I just don't have the time to do that. I am barely surviving right now as it is."

We need to remember to take time for what is important. Our children and their character is more important than spending our time on things that will not have eternal results. We might need to cut out things in our lives that are not important to teach our children if we feel that we don't have the time.

I wanted to share a few quick ways we can add teaching godly character to our days:

1. Read the Bible - there are so many great examples of what to do and what not to do in the Bible that this would be our first stop.

2. Model it - around your child in the home and out. They need to see what good character looks like in real life and there is no one better to model it than you!

3. Praise when you see it - from them or any one else. Things like "You were very diligent, Johnny." or "Suzy really persevered through her schoolwork."

4. Tell them what is expected - otherwise they won't know. Like when cleaning their room you can remind them to do it with excellence and not to be slothful. Have them keep at it until it is done correctly. Following up is always so important in teaching character.

5. Use helpful resources - There are so many valuable resources out there that teach character that you might want to check out--like this one and this one. With nine children I am always on the lookout for something that will help me make my job easier!

What ways do you try to teach character with a busy schedule?

Please share them with us!


Leigha | OfferingGrace said...

Wow, 9 kids! That is amazing. These are some great tips. I think they would help for the 20 something as well... You know, telling them to clean their room with excellence and to avoid being slothful. I am sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I absolutely love this website. Thanks!


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