Thursday, March 1, 2018

What I Have Been Reading - Little House Living

Ever since I was young I loved to read. I always had a stack of books next to my bedside and it has been that way ever since!

One of the books that I am enjoying right now is this one:

 It is Little House Living: The Make-Your-Own Guide to a Frugal, Simple, and Self Sufficient Life. It is a sweet homemaking book full of simple recipes to use in your home for your family, children, homemaking, and pets.

The author is such a sweet gal and I love how the book unfolds as she shares tidbits and glimpses into her life and journey from living on a farm and how she wanted the simple similar life for her family.

She uses all the skills she had learned early on in her childhood to make all these amazing homemade recipes for her home--everything from food....

 to meal planning, 

 and to all kinds of helpful and practical recipes for her family and yours. Such as:

  • lotions
  • body butter
  • body wash
  • excema cream
  • body scrubs
  • cooking spray
  • dish soap
  • oven cleaner
  • cleaning wipes
  • baby lotion
  • diaper rash cream
  • play dough 
  • pet shampoo
  • water color paints
  • bubble bath
  • food mixes
  • menu planning and so much more

There is so much that is included and I feel that is what makes this a valuable resource for so many.  

She also uses wholesome (and organic ingredients but if they are not in your budget you can substitute them) from scratch because she had suffered some illnesses/allergies in the past so she wanted to make sure the things that she used were healthy for her and for her home. I know that so many of us want to make the transition to a healthier home and myself included. I have been taking baby steps to do that. I feel that these little steps are moving forward and that is progress and I am happy about that.

It is a sweet read and helped me slow down a bit in the busyness of my daily schedule and learn from her.  I truly enjoyed what she had to share, how the book is laid out, and feel like many of you would just LOVE having this book around as a helpful reference in your daily homemaking. I am very picky about homemaking books because I feel there are so many out there but this one is definitely a keeper!

Right now you can get it over half off for a limited time only--what a great time to get it! Don't miss this great deal!

You can find this lovely book HERE.

I hope it is a blessing to you!

What are you reading through right now?

Note: This post contains affiliate links---thanks for your support!


Unknown said...

Just ordered this book. Thanks so much for sharing! Always love to see new good books.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Daniel,

So glad to hear that--I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It looks like a wonderful book. We are planning a move to a smaller place within the next few months and I want to keep these philosophies in mind with our new home.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, the author also talked about living in a smaller home and living a simply life day to day. Such a different message in a world of "bigger is better"!


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