Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Noblest and Most Precious Work on Earth

"The best thing in married life, for the sake of which everything ought to be suffered and done is the fact that God gives children and commands us to bring them up to serve Him. To do this is the noblest and most precious work on earth, because nothing may be done which pleases God more than the saving of souls.

If the need were to arise, all of us should be ready to die in order to bring a soul to God. So you see how rich in good works the estate of marriage is. God lays souls into the lap of married people, souls begotten from their own body, on which they may practice all Christian works. For when they teach their children the Gospel, parents are certainly their apostles, bishops, and ministers.”

 -Martin Luther, What Luther Says

Encouraged here?
Please also check out my book True Christian Motherhood


Anonymous said...

Can anything take the place of those rich teachings of long ago?!

If I took more time to read such works as this, along with J.R. Miller, and H.C. Trumball, (does Spurgeon write about parenting) I may never need anything modern again!

I am adding this to my parenting inspiration notebook so I can think upon it more! Thank you, June!

Unknown said...

This blog seems like a great blog. I have been looking for a place where I can find nice christian home decorations.

Uggybaby said...

My son is 26 years old and is not living a Christian life as of this moment. I know God is going to call him. It is in God's hands, I have given it to Him who can do the impossible. Please pray for my son Dennis James, he is my one and only son and I guided him right as far as I could but also showed him things he does. I was not walking a Christian life. I was Roman Catholic, my relationship was different then.
LADIES If there is one thing I will; tell you. Your actions are more important than you know. Show them Christ, don't just tell them. lying is lying and stealing is stealing. Don't bring home things from work without asking. Don't tell little white lies in front of them. These things in God's eyes are murder.

Gillian Gauthier said...

Beautiful, wise, wise words.

Barbara said...

Amen yes, such a good message, God bless you


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