Monday, May 19, 2008

One Proud Mama

We have had a pretty busy week this past week, thus the reason for lack of posting! Some of the many things we accomplished this past week was revising the end of our homeschool year, hosting a homeschool sale and workshop at church, Steve preaching on Sunday (our pastor was out of town), getting together with dear friends and my daughter's recital! Janai (pronounced Jah-nay), who is 15, has been taking piano lessons for about nine months now----is a natural on the piano. 

She is very talented in the area of music, although if you ask her, she would never admit it. She plans on taking 2 years of piano and 2 years of violin and perhaps after that look into becoming a music instructor when she graduates (since this would also be something that she could teach her own children one day or use to generate income for her family from her own home if the need arises--did you know that instructors get paid $15 per half hour lesson?!) I'd like to share that video of my beautiful, smart and gifted daughter at her recital:

After it was all done we were cheering for her as a family---I think I was the most elated (and loudest?)---she was working on that piece for quite a while and I thought she was quite a smashing success! We then went to celebrate with some Baskin Robbins and a trip to the nearest park.

I am proud of Janai for several reasons---she is not afraid to try new things, she is a leader, she is trying to walk right with God, and tries to be a good influence on her siblings. 

At home, there is a side to Janai that no one gets to see---the Janai that delights in her baby brothers, the Janai that diligently gets up early diligently and reads through her Bible (this is her 5th year reading completely through the Bible), the Janai that sweetly cares for her home and instructs her smaller siblings.

 I know that the Lord has great plans for Janai, and I am looking forward to what He might have in store for her life. I pray many, many blessings over my dear daughter, whom I love immensely, and pray will serve the Lord with her whole heart. And what a lovely verse from the Bible:

"That our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace." Psalm 144:12
May the Lord richly bless my oldest daughter, Janai and guide her in all His ways for all the days of her life. May she be richly blessed with many children, that she be kept safe from Satan's snares, an that she draw closer to her Savior to continually experience His never ending love and unfailing grace.

I love you, Janai!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am new to reading your blog and have been greatly inspired by your writings.
As for your daughter, you said she's only been taking lessons for 9 months??! She sounds fabulous! As for the dollar amount music instructors get, in our area they get 22-25 dollars an hour. I have been lucky to find someone for 15 an hour. I hope my son will be able to bless others someday with his love of music also. Thanks again for your inspiration. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Saying that your daughter is a natural at the piano is an understatement -- she is extremely gifted. But what really moves me is her Bible reading. You are so blessed. And I enjoy your blog very much!

Unknown said...

Very sweet - she's doing great in such a short time.

I recently found your blog and am enjoying it - both inspiring and convicting! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Dear June,

I am crying as I write this,what a beautiful tribute you gave your daughter! What your wrote about her will be such a blessing and encouragement in the days and years to come. I rejoice with you in having such a sweet young lady, continue in your prayers for all your children and in being a Godly mom. Blessings, Lydia K <><

Thespia said...

I'm a voice lesson instructor. I get paid $15.50 for 25 minutes. It all depends on the teacher's level of education, and the area you take the lessons in. Obviously in richer areas it will cost more. If you have a college degree in music, it's higher...or if you have a lot of experience, resume...blah blah blah, you can charge more.

HisBeloved said...

She has beautiful form when playing! Truly amazing for having only played for 9 months. I have been playing piano for almost 20 years and am currently going through withdrawals since my piano must stay with my parents for now. :D

Thank you for sharing that video.

Sarah Mae said...

It feels good all over when I children bless us with their talent.

Thanks for all the inspiration!

Mrs. Taft said...

You SHOULD be proud of her...excellent work Janai!

CountryMouse said...

You have a very talented daughter. What an inspiration for all her younger siblings and what a delight for your family.


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