A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is a place to be encouraged in your high and noble calling of role of wife and mother and daughter to the King and we want to encourage each and every single reader out there to build up strong Christian homes to the glory of God.
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. "
1 Thessalonians 5:11
We would love for you to link up with us! Come and share your posts on building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, recipes, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, and whatever else you'd like to share that would encourage our community. Feel free to also share more than one post!
Be sure to connect with us there so you don't miss anything and on our other platforms too:
We share things there that we don't share here on the blog!
Also if you are looking for a friend or a safe place to ask questions, we would love for you to join us at our Wise Woman Builds Titus 2 Facebook Group:
Now back to the Linkup--if you do join our link up we only require one thing! PLEASE share the image below on your blog and link back so that others can find us and join in the fun:
If you are reading by email, visit our blog to see the whole post.
You can link up below:
I found your blog through another site, and have only begun to explore, but have enjoyed the little I've had time to read.. I put a link-up to my blog in your link "party" but do not know how to put the image on my blog. Would I cut and paste the image? And, then do another cut and paste to link the blog to a reference on mine, or is putting the little picture on my blog enough to send people over here? As you can tell, I'm still learning all the nitty gritty of blogging, even after a couple of years of it. I've only signed up on a "link party" a couple of times in the past, and never tried to put a little picture on my blog when I did:)
I just saw your post about Kindle Unlimited. I'll have to check it out. I didn't realize there were so many Christian books available. Thanks for the tip and for hosting this week's linkup. Blessings!