
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Choosing the Culture of Your Home & Discipling Your Children


We Shape the Culture of Our Families- Chose What Culture You Want to Create.

If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy.

If a child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement, He learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice.

~Dorothy Law Nolte


  1. Im unable to view the sermon
    If you could share the name, I could see it at his website. Thanks so much

  2. Dear Evana,

    You can view it at their livestream site here:

    Many blessings...

  3. Thanks for the other link. I couldn't view it either on the first one. God bless!

  4. Such a good reminder. Thank you for sharing the sermon. I look forward to listening to it.


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