
Friday, May 23, 2014

A Parent's Duty: Teaching Our Children to Love

Because Jesus told us to love one another...

"You demonstrate your love to your child less by presents, than by the mother's language of love--by caressing words and looks.

Parents, teach your children how to love--inculcate love, and your child will have a rich ever-gaining or acquiring life. Teach how to love now, in this cold world, which is the January of time.

Teach how to love, so that you yourself, when your sight is old and your eyes are dim, may see around your invalid chair and death-bed, not the cold, greedy looks of your next heirs, but anxious weeping faces, who strive to kindle up the life that is growing cold, and illuminate the darkness  of your last hours with gratitude for your former ones.

Teach how to love.

Encouraged here?


  1. This is such wonderful insight - to teach our children how to love which lasts for all eternity!! It sometimes means tough love, which as a parent, is so hard to do at times. Thank you so much sor this site. Wonderful music, and fun and inspiring truths. A couple of the songs are our wedding songs.

  2. I just had a thought this morning...wondering about how my children will love me when I'm old. I hope that my loving them will make them better lovers as I will be the recipient of it someday when they are adults. Thank you for the call to love...and for your link-up!


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