
Monday, October 14, 2013

Beauty in the Heart & Giveaway!

Have you been thinking about doing starting a new Bible study or have been looking for one for your  daughter?

I am sure that many of you are familiar with Doorposts. They are a favorite among the homeschooling community offering high quality resources on character for raising godly children. Pam Forster has authored many of my favorites for sons and daughters such as Polished Cornerstones, Plants Grown Up, and For Instruction in Righteousness. I loved using these books with my children over the years an now she has released a NEW book called Beauty in the Heart.

This study guide is designed for young ladies ages 10-12 and up, they are also appropriate for ladies' Bible study groups, girls' clubs, and for young men who want to understand godly beauty.

 In this book, you will learn how to:
  • Use a concordance
  • Study a specific topic in the Bible
  • Perform a character study
  • Use marginal study notes
  • Study a verse, passage, or entire chapter or book of the Bible
  • Find the original word used in a passage and how it is used in other passages
  • Use free Bible study tools on computers and mobile devices
 What does the Bible say about beauty? What attitudes does God value in a young woman’s heart? What actions are characteristic in the life of a truly beautiful woman? What attitudes and actions detract from, or even render disgusting, a woman’s physical beauty?

It also contains ten in-depth studies focus on godly women like Ruth and Esther, and on what the Bible says about discretion, modesty, adornment, true beauty, and more.

 Each study uses a different study technique and is divided into daily assignments (between 5 and 20 minutes per day). Beauty in the Heart contains 86 days of study plus 49 more suggested studies—enough to fuel serious Bible study for more than a year!

You can find the book at the Doorpost website here. It is also available as an ebook in PDF format HERE.

If you are interested in viewing some of the chapter samples, you may do so here.  

You can win a copy of this book by entering the giveaway below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope you win!

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  1. This looks like a lovely book! My 3 sisters, our mother and myself would enjoy the book I am sure :) Thank you for yet another wonderful giveaway!

  2. Just entered the same contest over at Raising Homemakers! Ha! Needless to say, I would love to obtain a copy of this book ;)

  3. I've never heard about bible studies from Doorpost. It is very hard to find good materials for children here in my country. Thank you for sharing it! I would love to try one of their ebooks.

  4. I've been looking for a good bible study for my daughter

  5. I have never had a bible study from door post, would love to win! I have 5 daughters!

  6. This is such a blessing. Our Church has started a young girls ministry and this would really be a blessing.

  7. Doorpost keeps putting out the best studies. Glad to see another one.

  8. This looks like a nice Bible Study. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Iv never heard of doorposts!!!Im so glad your doing this giveaway!!Thank you!We have 4 daughters!

  10. This looks like a very good book for young ladies!

  11. I think this looks like a very good book for young ladies! I would love to do this with my daughters as they become a little older.

  12. My daughter is struggling with her faith so much at this time, would love to give her this to nudge her back into the Word!

  13. I grew up an only child, and my dad passed away when he was only 34 yrs old. God has blessed me with my mom, a daughter, a daughter-in love-with my son (her hubby), and a precious new baby grand-daughter due at the end of this month. I think that even my son and my 2 year old grandson will maybe they will understand their moms, wives and sisters a little better. Thank you for this giveaway.

  14. My daughter is just the right age to do this study, she has to gf that could also to have this study!

  15. I would love to win this would be a great resource for my daughter in the future

  16. This looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  17. I would love to do this with my two girls! I have been hankering after a Bible study myself and it would be awesome to share with them!

  18. What a great giveaway! Would love to win it!!! - Danielle Fish

  19. I love doorposts, we have instruction in Righteousness for our boys, great resource for mom and dad too!

  20. Thanks, for a great drawing. I would love to win and do this study with my daughter. Lisa Wright

  21. Followed a link here from the Maid Servants of Christ blog. GORGEOUS pictures.

  22. This looks like a great book for young girls. Very interested in reading it.

  23. My wife would love it! Thanks

    Eric Risner


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