
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Knights in Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys Book Review

The last month I have been sharing some books on my night stand (such as this one and this one) but there is another important book that I knew I definitely needed to share with all of you.

It is the book Knights in Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys by Heather Haupt.

I am a mom to five boys (and 4 girls, in case you are new here) and with being an only child myself without a brother to connect with I appreciate when good books are written on the topic of sons! Even though I have an adult son, and one that is a senior, I still am looking to learn news ways to encourage them, and their younger brothers, in their manly walk.

The thing we need to remember is that our sons are not perfect--they will sin and be tempted to sin--but we as parents still have the responsibility to raise them with a strong foundation regardless. That is why I try not to grow weary as I teach them the Bible and from good books like this one.

I love how the author covers the Knights Code. It is very biblically based and full of virtues for character training. Here is a peek of the Table of Contents (you can click on it to read it):


Part 1 - The Boy Raising Adventure

1. Charting a New Path
2. Why We Don't Want to Raise Typical Boys
3. Boys are Different

Part 2 - The Chivalry Challenge

4. Knights in Training: Stoking the Fires of a Lifelong Quest
5. Physical Training for the Quest
6. The Code: Love God
7. The Code: Obey
8. The Code: Stand Against Injustice
9. The Code: Protect the Weak
10. The Code: Respect Woman
11. The Code: Don't Give Offense
12. The Code: Speak Truth
13. The Code: Be Generous
14. The Code: Persevere
15. The Code: Pursue Excellence

Part 3: Continuing the Quest

16. Raising Modern-Day Knights is a Long Term Quest

I wish every boy could learn the Knight's Code which would benefit any son.  The author even has a Knight's Code poster at her website you can get to hang in their room to remind them.  

Here is a peek inside of a chapter:

The book also includes games, activities, chore list by age, and additional recommended books at the end. 

Here's a little bit about the author:

And if you want to get your younger boys in the mood for knighthood at their level, I highly recommend this popular Knight's Handbook for them I shared with you not too long ago that we got at a homeschool conference:

It would make a great addition for your son to read through while you read through this book!


Right now you can get Knights in Training on sale for over 30% off for a limited time.

You can find it HERE.

I hope it is a blessing to you!

NOTE: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support.

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