The last month I have been sharing some books on my night stand (such as this one and this one) but there is another important book that I knew I definitely needed to share with all of you.
It is the book Knights in Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys by Heather Haupt.
The thing we need to remember is that our sons are not perfect--they will sin and be tempted to sin--but we as parents still have the responsibility to raise them with a strong foundation regardless. That is why I try not to grow weary as I teach them the Bible and from good books like this one.
I love how the author covers the Knights Code. It is very biblically based and full of virtues for character training. Here is a peek of the Table of Contents (you can click on it to read it):
Part 1 - The Boy Raising Adventure
1. Charting a New Path
2. Why We Don't Want to Raise Typical Boys
3. Boys are Different
Part 2 - The Chivalry Challenge
4. Knights in Training: Stoking the Fires of a Lifelong Quest
5. Physical Training for the Quest
6. The Code: Love God
7. The Code: Obey
8. The Code: Stand Against Injustice
9. The Code: Protect the Weak
10. The Code: Respect Woman
11. The Code: Don't Give Offense
12. The Code: Speak Truth
13. The Code: Be Generous
14. The Code: Persevere
15. The Code: Pursue Excellence
Part 3: Continuing the Quest
16. Raising Modern-Day Knights is a Long Term Quest
I wish every boy could learn the Knight's Code which would benefit any son. The author even has a Knight's Code poster at her website you can get to hang in their room to remind them.
Here is a peek inside of a chapter:
The book also includes games, activities, chore list by age, and additional recommended books at the end.
Here's a little bit about the author:
And if you want to get your younger boys in the mood for knighthood at their level, I highly recommend this popular Knight's Handbook for them I shared with you not too long ago that we got at a homeschool conference:
It would make a great addition for your son to read through while you read through this book!
Right now you can get Knights in Training on sale for over 30% off for a limited time.
You can find it HERE.
I hope it is a blessing to you!
NOTE: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support.
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