
Friday, August 31, 2018

My Recent Homeschool Haul

We start school in two days and it has been so fun preparing for it this year!

I usually always go to Wal-Mart and get all the main school supplies when they are on sale and pick up our basic supplies there. I had gone a little later this year and felt like I needed to go earlier as they were out of several things I usually get.

I am doing Preschool this year --and can I just say that I haven't done any Preschool in eight years?! Not sure if I will remember how to do it but I am sure it will come back to me and I am going to savor it and enjoy this time with dear sweet Bella.

In case you are new here we have nine children and we have three that have already graduated. I will homeschool six this year -3 in high school and the twins in middle school, and little Bella joining us for the first time. She has been asking me every day for the last month when school starts!

I found some really cute things for her:

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I am loving these puppets and finger puppets I picked up at the dollar spot in Target. This is not just school but can also be used as part of her Quiet Bin time. In addition to my wood toy addiction, I also have love felt toys so of course I had to grab a few packs of money, alphabets, numbers, and so forth.


This felt money pack goes well with our play cash register! We used to just print out money online when the money that came with it got lost but this will last longer.

A few more books and several are dry erase marker kind that you can just wipe and reuse. Here is what is listed:


We needed to replace our laptops too so we ended up getting two new ones since Best Buy was having a good deal on them this past week. We also have a desktop, my mac, and many other devices we use like our Galaxy View, iPad, Kindle Fire, Google Mini, phones, etc. This year I want to utilize them all and found some great apps for learning.

I also replaced our corkboard with this one with a black frame and I really like it. It came with it's own black circle push pins even though I didn't know that and bought my own :

(this is how it looks--image is from Amazon)

Some random things I picked up:

I love this felt map:

You can place the landmarks on it!

Even though this talking globe is not new I wanted to show it to you because my kids like it so much and play with it every year. I got it at Once Upon a Child but you can also find some here. 

I have also been thinking about getting this talking map for geography. If anyone has it, please let me know if you like it!

We like Melissa and Doug so also got this Abacus for counting.

I got this Atlas of the World sticker book at Aldi for under $5 and we are learning Japanese this year so I got The Usborne First Thousand Words in Japanese. It is a really great book to help them learn words quickly.

A few other things I picked up:

I thought it would be fun for Joy to make a knotted quilt even though she made one when she was younger to give to a homeless organization, I don't think she really remembers doing it. This one she can keep and use for herself.

This Totally Gross Science Game I picked up for the boys--anything gross is right up their alley!

I also picked up this Geosafari Talking Microscope and Stir-It-Up Chemistry Lab.

Some basic flashcards:

A matching game, Melissa & Doug Sticker Collection, Match It Mathematics, and Matching Game Cards,  Printing Numbers with Shapes, Numbers, Math & Shapes. 

There is definitely more we will be adding throughout the year (and I didn't include everyday supplies or curriculum or other odds and ends because it would just take too long) but just wanted to give you a glimpse of what I have been up to. I have been spending the last week sorting through it all and getting everything set up.


My very favorite pencil in the world, these wonderful Ticonderoga pencils (I am telling you because they don't break, even with 5 boys!) are on sale for $9.96 for nearly 100! That is about 10 cents a pencil and a super great deal. It is only for a limited time so don't miss it!

I am hoping for a fun year of learning and I hope you have one too!

What new things did you add to your school this year?

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