
Monday, January 12, 2015

Fresh Changes in the New Year!

I am so excited about a New Year and have been prayerfully asking the Lord for continual His direction in my life, in our family, and on this blog. I believe that change is a wonderful thing and I am truly looking forward to what lies ahead.

Every year I like to take inventory of what is important in these different categories:


But this year I was challenged by this quote that I read here and it said:

"Take another look at your resolutions. Are they all about you? Are they designed to make you look good? Or have they been born out of the worship of God, the love of God and are truly for the glory of God. Are they the result of faith? Do not be deceived: resolutions for the glory of man are idolatry. It could be that our new years resolutions are nothing more than idolatry of self - socially acceptable culturally laudable expressions of pride. This is why human virtue is not always of God. Have your resolutions arisen from faith, for "Whatever is not from faith is sin." (Romans 14:23), and "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb 11:6). Therefore, as you make resolutions remember the heart of the matter, "Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31)."

These words have resonated through my mind these past few days. Now, don't get me wrong, I am ALL for New Years resolutions and self improvement and what not. I love to try to improve myself and hope that is brings glory to Him in some small way. I love to hear about others goals and be challenged by them. But what I read when I read the quote above stirs up inside me a a desire and a call to holiness. And that is what the Lord calls us to---"Be holy because I am holy.'

So I am not rushing into this year with a list of things to mark off.

Instead, I am staying still and listening to hear Him in the quiet. 

We don't have to listen to the voices of this world and be pulled in a million different directions. 

He will direct our paths onto peace & righteousness.

These past few weeks on my blogging break I have enjoyed, savored and indulged in His Word,  allowing it to speak to my soul and resonate in me. I encourage all of you to do the same. Without His guidance we will not get far. Without His guidance we will crash and burn.

On the home front, our family life has had a new dimension added to it with our precious new little one (number nine) that has captivated our hearts in such a short time. I look forward to sharing our journey during this season we embark upon with you in the weeks to come!

(This is a picture of Isabella Rose when she was just one day old
--she is now 8 months!)

I am also looking forward to a new year of blogging. This past year has brought amazing changes and the Lord has kindly increased our reach and audience by leaps and bounds. We have several great ideas brewing and with a new year in front of us we would love to hear about that you would like to see more of on the blog so we can meet your needs. We truly welcome your feedback!  Please click through this link to fill out our quick survey so you can help us help you!

And don't forget to subscribe to get our posts sent to your inbox!

Thanks so much and Happy New Year!


  1. Isabella Rose...what a truly beautiful name; may she grow into a girl, then woman, after God's own heart.
    Daddy always says if we're living the way we're supposed to be living, there's no need for resolutions, new year's or otherwise. Walking with Christ is a daily walk...Bible reading, prayer, devotions and a continual, throughout the day, talking with our best Friend...just to say hello, thank you, I'm sorry. It's all joy, talking to the One who loves me most.

  2. This was really good and helpful to read also. I tend to set up resolutions that I think I can achieve in my own power and then am discouraged. I recently wrote a blog post about a different kind of to-do list which has become more of my resolution list as I study in this new year:

    Also, your sweet daughter was born about a month after my third child, also a girl, was born. It's amazing how fast their first year goes :) Happy New Year!

    1. Yes, the first year goes fast! My Bella is starting to crawl and it feels like it all went by in a blink of an eye. *sniff* Thanks for the link, I am looking forward to checking it out!

      Many blessings...


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