
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

When Momma Ain't Around

See this beautiful girl?

She turned 6 months just three days ago and she is the apple of my eye. Never did I think that when I was 42 that I would have such a little sweet angel on my hands. She fills heart over day by day with so much joy.

But somehow when I was younger I just could not appreciate this precious and fleeting time with my little ones as much as I can right now. I believe it was because I was more naive and not as mature. I am grateful now for every second I have with little Bella Rose.

But this past week was such a blur for me. Life just spun around me at a dizzying pace. Things that could not be avoided had to be done (keeping me more busier than I would have liked) and all I could think about was my Bella Rose and how I just wanted some alone time just cuddling her.

And then it happened---to top off an already busy morning, I somehow ended up at at an Urgent Care facility and found myself with a torn contact lens in my eye. How could this have happened? This has never happened in the 20 years I've been wearing them, I thought as I paced back and forth in waiting room wondering what my little Bella was thinking when she would look and couldn't find my face at home. My heart was sad that I couldn't be there to take her in my arms when she started looking for me.

See I am an "at home" person and function best when I am not on the run or overly busy.  I love being with my family and in my domain. But I don't like when I am not able to do the things I need to do at home because life beckons me. I always feel that pull towards home.  

And then I got to thinking...

Do you ever notice what happens when you are not around, Mama?

I notice that all the little things do not take place. The care that is there when a mother is around. The attention to detail, the loving words spoken, the pat on the back or the hug that was much needed.

Cookies do not get baked and children might not have clean clothes. Meals are not made with love, babies don't get sung to, and important conversations with teenagers do not take place.

Mommas, you are so important in the life of your children, please slow down to grasp the moment and hold it as tight as you can before it flies away. 

And when it flies away you cannot get it back, you can only briefly hold the memory in your heart.

So live your life but live it well and prioritize the important. Your life and your child's life is just a vapor held in the hand of Almighty God. Hold them tight and breathe them in. Your children are your treasures given by Him.

Do not chase after worldly gain because in the end  you will find nothing. You will find that you can travel the world and pursue many "good" things only to find that what really matters has been here all along--right at your finger tips.

So don't waste your time and throw off what hinders you from chasing this beautiful dream that you are living.

Be there.

Fully there. 

God has been so good to provide you so much--don't take it for granted and walk away.

Don't turn your eyes away from them for cheap substitutes.

Really look at them, deep into those young eyes,  and see them for who they are.

Through your presence, love, and care

speak life, beautiful life,  into them

and take the time 

to take their willing hand

and lead them humbly to the only 

One Who saves.


  1. Hi, you have such a beautiful daughter what a blessing. We had our last 2 children when I was over 38 and it has been such a joy. I have found that I am not trying to be the super mum I was when the older 2 were little. I love being a home, and I am like you that I don't like being taken away from it and being busy outside the home. What a pleasure we have when we can make our house a home for our husband and family. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post and I hope your eye improves quickly. If you had the chance I would love it if you would share this at Good Morning Mondays at Darling Downs Diaries. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Thanks for this post about parenting! THANKS!


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