
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Discerning What Really Matters In Life

 “Our greatest fear should not be of failure 

but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.”

-F. Chan

I saw this quote the other day and have been thinking about it ever since.

I just want to say, for the record, that I believe our greatest fear should be fear of being cast into hell for all eternity without Christ-- and that is why we all need a Savior. But there is also so much truth to the quote  above, and it should concern us all.

It is so easy to get caught up in the things that just. don't. really. matter. 

In this world we find people who are always trying to find their identity is something. Maybe it is in:

  • their popularity
  • their career
  • their fashion sense
  • how much they earn
  • their relationships
  • their skills
  • their reputation
  • their comfort and pleasure

 and so forth.

As a blogger I have seen that in the online world the temptation is no different. And what I am trying to share is that I don't want my identity wrapped up in what I do here online. It doesn't matter that I might have a large platform, am an author, a consultant or anything else. These things simply pale in comparison to where my heart really is.

And honestly as I think about it more and more--

I really could walk away from it all in a heartbeat!

Do you know why?

Because at the end of the day all I want is to be a wife and mother. Not any of the things listed above. Yes, those things are definitely fun and I enjoy them to some degree but they don't bring me the deeper happiness and satisfaction that serving the Lord in my family and home does.

I don't want to succeed at things that don't really matter in the end. No matter what that may be. Life is too short and the Lord has called me to a greater ministry in this home-- that is where my first interest lies.

And even though we have the potential to reach the masses here--I would rather reach those in my home first.

To me that is true success.

How about you?

What really matters in life to you?


  1. So beautifully written and so true! Thank you for sharing this piece of encouragement!

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with your post. After 12 yrs of being a single mom, my new husband has given me the gift of being able to be what I was called to be: a wife and a mom. He said I can work if I want to, but that he wants me to get a job I enjoy, and hopefully use my degree....but he doesn't mind if I stay home. I was NEVER able to do that with my 3 children's father (ex husband). It is such ana amazing blessing that I fought against for so long. I was afraid I would be a slave and lose my voice, be a doormat. The Lord has provided the best man possible for my children and my personality. I cannot believe he blessed me with such a gift. I get to do what really matters. For once in my life, I am not being used and don't have to do it all alone. Grateful I can offer up my life in surrender, and be loved by my husband and God in the process.

    I know there are ladies out there who were me, who can't stop work and just be mom...for you, I pray for strength (and sleep!!), and always remember you are not forgotten. God is there.


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