I stumbled upon a lovely article yesterday that I wanted to share with you all that I believe will definitely bless you about a mom praying for the mom of her future son or daughter in law. Here is an excerpt:
"If my child marries yours...
I just want you to know that I'm praying for you.
When I'm awake at night - feeding babies, burping babies, giving tylenol to a feverish toddler, covering up chilly toes, tucking green monkeys under little arms - I think of you. Because chances are, you're awake too, doing the same sorts of things. Taking care of tiny children that I already love because they will someday hold the hearts that are beating against my chest tonight.
I'm praying that you'll stand firm against the pressures to overcommit and hyper-schedule, that you'll shut out the voices that tell you you're not doing enough, that your kids aren't doing enough."
Read the rest HERE.
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