
Saturday, August 2, 2014

The "Noise" That Vyes For Your Attention

"A report came out last month from Child Trends showing the number of parents aggravated with their kids has more than doubled in the past decade.

You know what? I’m aggravated too. But not at my kids.

I’m aggravated that we live in a society that’s always plugged in—emails, Facebook, Pinterest, texting, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever our latest social media drug.

I’m aggravated that our measure of success as parents is not the Jones’ next door, but the Jones’, Smith’s, Marshall’s, and Brown’s from our church, the Wright’s, Miller’s and Kennedy’s from Facebook, and the Wood’s, Stewart’s, and Snook’s from Pinterest—never mind we’ve never even met some of these families or seen them in years.

 I’m aggravated that parents are so stressed today running their kids from one sport to another activity to homework to bed and all over again—with work on top of it.

I’m aggravated we no longer see our kids as assets anymore, but liabilities. In decades past you’d never see graphics on “The Cost of Raising a Child.”

I’m aggravated that some of the most popular parenting strategies cater to the parent at the expense of the child’s emotional welfare. And somehow we’re okay with that.

I’m aggravated that parents in the 21st century—with ever-changing technologies, two working parents, more pressure for extracurricular activities, and social media the constant measure of success—have more pressure on them than ever before....

Get aggravated with me, will you? For the sake of our kids, get aggravated at all of the 21st century noise vying for your attention. Sit down and figure out a way to filter it all so your kids don’t innocently fall victim to it. And so you don’t miss out on some of the best moments of your life—enjoying your kids. "

Read it all HERE.


  1. Wow, what a convicting article! Every parent should read this and take heart.
    So many times I find myself aggravated with my children and why...most the time it's because I am looking at the internet, on the phone, even reading. And it all has to do with my children interrupting my "me time". Like I said, very convicting.
    We are currently working on a schedule for the new school year. I need to purpose that I am giving each of my five, soon to be six, some one on one time EACH DAY. Thank you so much for posting this.

  2. How would you like if your own mother wanted you to keep up with the Jones. My mom knows some parents with children that are the same age as my kids and she tells me all the things that their parents got them and I should get them for my kids.


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