
Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Wise Woman Manages Her Home

What does home management look like for a Wise Woman?

  • She sets a godly tone in her home - She remembers to reflect the "law of kindness on her tongue. Her words, tone of voice, and deeds all work together to maintain a godly atmosphere in her home. She is confident in the future because of her faith in God and reflects joy in the Lord. (Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 28:7, Proverbs 31:21)
  • She works as unto the Lord -She possesses character that complements her skills. Her motivation for management is to please God and not man. (Colossian 3:23)
  • She anticipates the needs of her family -She practically meets the needs of her family in all areas of family life, including scheduling, meal planning, household upkeep, etc.
  • She is orderly and well managed -She takes the time be organized and reaches toward the goal of doing things "decently and in order". She takes time to learn how to plan, establish goals, and make decisions that reflect her priorities.  (1 Corinthians 14:40)
  • She is industrious -She is a hard worker. She is not lazy and seeks to develop the self discipline she needs to fulfill her obligations. She also applies the principle of others being more important than herself. (Proverbs 6:6, Proverbs 20:13, Phillipians 2:3)
  • She is a skilled worker -She understands the components of her domain--she just does not manage, but she seeks to manage and do it well. (Proverbs 31:10-31, Titus 3-5).

 One of the main ways that we "build" up our homes is through seeking to manage our households well.  What a wonderful reminder to help us through the days as we seek to glorify God as we manage it. Our homes are not meant to be picture perfect but a refuge for our families- God and people come first. Remember to not get discouraged as you continue on your journey, but seek the Lord in all these matters and know that He will help you along the way.


Dear Lord, help me to be the kind of home manager you want me to be. I know that every season of my life might look different but I need help from you to do it well. Help me to prioritize what needs to be done and have the wisdom to be flexible. Please give me strength to manage well the beautiful home that you have provided my family with to your glory.  In Christ's name, Amen.

Encouraged here?
Please also check out my book True Christian Motherhood.

 Image Credit: Let's Enjoy Beauty



  1. That is wonderfull:-) and true....and also sometimes difficult.

    1. Yes, I agree, it can be difficult at times, especially depending on what season of life you are in!

      Thanks for visiting!

  2. Thank you for this lovely post! It is so timely as I just sat down (again)
    to establish my home management routine. To be honest, I often get discouraged about following the routine I write out. I have to keep
    reminding myself I am doing it as unto the Lord that assigned this to me,
    to be my domain!

    1. Sometimes I would feel overwhelmed too and for certain periods just get by with the basics especially when all the children were younger. That is perfectly okay too...sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves and become our worst enemies! Praying that you won't become discouraged but instead find what works best for *you*. :)

      Many blessings...

  3. I can't even begin to tell you how timely this post it for me. Wisely-worded and I will be printing out your points along with the verses. I sent the link to your post to a friend because we were just talking about this very thing this morning... again. About our struggles in keeping a home. And how if we would just put God first, be thankful, not compare, and do what we are supposed to, things would run so much more smoothly in our homes. And how our lack of house-keeping might be negatively affecting our husbands and our kids. And then there is the guilt!

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post! I read only the first point in my two minute pause from my morning and was encouraged beyond telling. I returned several times to reread just that point throughout the morning. I have been trying to be more gentle in my handlings of everything and everyone... thank you for keeping it ever before me! It's always hard, but now I find myself in a season of being extra tired with my husband overseas (thank the Lord my mom is here helping so much) and it's that much more difficult to deliberately exert the energy to be kind.

    Thank you again for your encouragement and for doing it so beautifully!


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