
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When I Was Alone

Is there ever a time that you just feel alone?

I remember when I was a young mom having a houseful of littles with my own mother being thousands of miles away, feeling that I needed a hand--a friend or just someone outside of the home to direct and guide me.

I remember getting saved and praying for a mentor, a Titus 2 woman to come into my life. I prayed and prayed and God answered my prayers and brought a sound woman to teach me. She loved me, was firm, encouraged, and even rebuked me. She sacrificed her time to pour into me.  Then I moved and it was hard to stay in touch and so I prayed for another woman. Just one, Lord, that's all I ask.

But for a long time God did not answer that prayer.

It was just silent.

And the silence was loud.

And I felt alone.

Please God?

And more silence.

The silence was so deafening it drove me deeper into His Word. Day by day I found myself relying on Him even more and more. He was trying to show me something.....HE was enough.

And now I am so glad that He did not answer that prayer right away. He was trying to teach me a lesson. I didn't need to rely on a Titus 2 woman to show me the way or to stand by my side. I needed Him. Badly. He would never fail me or forsake me. He was all that I needed. He was more than enough.

I embraced this new realization with open arms once I fully understood it, grateful that I was taught the "hard way". This truth helped me to even further savor my relationship with Him on a deeper level. It was like a toddler strengthening its legs and learning how to walk on it's own to feet!

And did you know that later the Lord brought me that Titus 2 lady I had been praying for? Yes, He did. In His own time. And she is such a wonderful blessing to this day--our relationship has truly been icing on the cake. And wouldn't you know it...He even brought more.

But I will never forget that special time the Lord showed me to walk with Him alone.

It was His gift to me.

Has the Lord been silent on something that you have been praying about lately? What do you think He is trying to teach you?


  1. I too had prayed that same prayer. Wanting that same kind of friend but I too remained alone and still do not have this friend. I have acquaintance, surface friendships, nothing more. I did have a friend at one time, a sister in Christ and she moved too. I learned the same lessons as you. I used to wonder why I was so isolated and then I realized it was because I needed to know He was enough. I had to accept that maybe it just wasn't meant for me to have that kind of friend. Jesus will be my best friend which He already is. He has never let me down and I have been let down by others. Life is so peaceful with just He and I. I am glad that you did find that friend though. Maybe one day I will but if I don't, He is sufficient.
    Blessings! Gennie

    1. Dear Gennie,

      He *is* sufficient! All praise and glory to Him!

      Many blessings...

  2. Your words today are a confirmation of what God has been speaking to my heart. I am a mom of two young children. I am in that same lonely place you talked about, desiring a mentor. But God is whispering to me that He has brought me to the desert for a purpose and that I need to trust in Him alone. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  3. Been there, but I'm a guy. Same thing. I found myself relying on others to 'fill that void' and soon enough they became my bible. I have learned, through him, that when I am weak-he is strong. I relate and that's how I learned many other him....and his word. The close relationship lasted four and a half years. Enough to read and study him from genesis to revelation. He was building me up for life...alone...and since then, he has shown me more areas ,I didn't know at the time , that were also coming. I reflect back on that close time and remember what he said, in every circumstance, to this day today. Praise God for quiet time. It is so fleeting.

    1. My husband has a mentor that has been such a blessing to him too--he is now planting a church with the man!

  4. This is what I have been praying. I need this lesson. I have to learn to live in the hard instead of trying to escape it. I have 3, (4 and under) and I know that I need to rely on Him alone, and then, then when I am ready and His timing comes about, I will have my prayers answered.

  5. I have been praying that God would make a way for me to be at home with my child this summer instead of working, but if things stay the same, I will be working and she will be home alone, please pray for me in this situation.

    1. Dear Anon,

      I WILL pray for you! I will have our children pray together for you during our morning worship time. Hope it all works out for you!

  6. i'm going through the same state of confusion in my life right now and everytime i pray to god and he is silent i get agitated, sad and even angry at god. i have been looking for a job desperately and nothing has come up. i sit at home daily doing nothing and its frustrating. my relationship also failed because my boyfriend was abusive and i feel so alone. i have been praying for a decent stable relationship but still on that, god has been silent. i really dont know what his plan is but i really wish i knew so that i can live a life of purpose. i want to get closer to god but that is really hard to do when all hope has been taken away from you.

  7. When we go through trying times in our lives, we certainly need to draw close to the Lord.
    Also, we can learn to BE THAT PERSON that you wish you would have had, TO OTHERS that God brings your way.

  8. Wow! When I read your words in bold, "he was enough," it literally brought tears to my eyes. What anoited writing today sister!


  9. I am in the midst of learning this as well. Thank you for sharing, this is very encouraging!

  10. I have felt this way , waiting on a special person to come into my life and help carry the load, One day I heard God tell me " Be still and know that I" AM " being still and waiting on the Lord in his time is hard to do , but very important. I'm learning when God is all I have , he is all I need.


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