
Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Woman's Influence

Woman's influence is the chief anchor of society,
and this influence is purifying the world,
and the work she has already accomplished will last forever.
No costly marble can build a more enduring monument to her memory
than the impress she makes on her own household.

The changing scenes of life may hurl the genius of man from eminence to utter ruin;
for his life hangs on the fabric of public opinion.
But the honest form of a true mother reigns queen in the hearts of her children forever.


  1. That is just beautiful. Such true and inspiring words.

    Thank you and God bless.

  2. Thank you! I looked this book up on Amazon & read a little from the sample/peek inside. It is a wonderful book! Wow! A must read!

  3. How very true...the mark of a rightous woman runs on for generations! :D

  4. Our ladies' Bible study completed the course "The Heart that Makes A Home" by David Wilkerson (Walk Thru the Bible), and it was a precious study addressing and teaching these very things. I was so blessed by it, and I'm going through it again. Now I'll have to check this book out...

  5. More beautiful than I can say! Very, very true.

    A blog after my own heart...

    Love to you and blessings~


  6. good word!

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