
Monday, November 9, 2009

The Two Temples

A Builder builded a temple, 

He wrought it with grace and skill; 

Pillars and groins and arches 

All fashioned to work his will. 

Men said, as they saw its beauty, "It shall never know decay; 

Great is thy skill, O Builder!
Thy fame shall endure for aye." 

  A Mother builded a temple With loving and infinite care, 

Planning each arch with patience, 

Laying each stone with prayer. None praised her unceasing efforts, 

None knew of her wondrous plan, 

For the temple the Mother builded 

Was unseen by the eyes of man.
  Gone is the Builders temple, 

Crumpled into the dust; 

Low lies each stately pillar, 

Food for consuming rust, 

  But the temple the Mother builded 

Will last while ages roll, 

For that beautiful unseen temple 

 Was a child's immortal soul.

-Hattie Vose Hall


  1. Love this poem - I've seen it before, but it was good to read it again today!


  2. I love that poem, but haven't thought of it for a while. Thank you for the reminder!



  3. Congratulations on your HSBA nomination. I am one of your fellow best encourager nominees. I really like your blog and your stance on protecting and building up our children in the Lord. Blessings!

  4. Beautiful Poem....Encouraging words thanks for sharing ~Blessings Heather

  5. very beautiful post and very inspiring, thanks for sharing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a beautiful poem! A wonderful reminder. Thank you for sharing.


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