
Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's About Family

Last week was a whirl of events landing us in the hospital with my five year old son, Joshua having swollen glands in his neck with the potential to close his windpipe and an infection growing in his body, all caused by a simple cold.

After six days of being hospitalized, he is finally home!!! We are so happy to be together as family again and so grateful for those all of you who prayed and supported us through this time.

Today Joshua's grandma is making a huge Thanksgiving feast that we are especially grateful to be a part of this year, especially since the doctor's thought we would still have to be in the hospital for the holiday. We are so grateful to enjoy family being together, the love we share and of course, a little of this:

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers!


  1. I'm so happy that your son is alright! Very scary....

    Have a lovely day with your family. :)


  2. Praise the Lord that your son is home and well. A belated thank you for the post you did on 'Twilight'.
    Have a HAPPY THANKGIVING celebration with your loved ones.
    God bless you.

  3. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, June!

  4. Praising God with you and God bless your Thanksgiving! We are also so bless with all that God has done in our lives this yr! God is so Good! Sharon

  5. Everyone please pray!!! I came home today and my son Christian is throwing up. I am praying that he doesn't have anything serious and we won't end up at the ER again. :(

  6. I prayed for Joshua...I hope he will stop vomiting and that he will feel better real soon.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  7. I'm glad Joshua is better. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  8. So thankful that Joshua is better and you all are with family today! Blessings!

  9. I will be praying for Christian. i am sorry that the illness is still there at your home. I am praising god along with you that he did indeed heal Joshua. I pray that your day was somewhat peaceful and you were able to enjoy the meal with your family.

  10. I am glad that your son is well again and home where he belongs. That must have been difficult for you.

  11. wow, so glad to hear your little one is well again! :) It is awful to have a scare like this. :( Happy Thanksgiving, June! xo

  12. Thank God. So happy to hear your little boy is doing better. God bless him.

    Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving filled with love.

  13. I will be praying for your whole family~poor little guys!



  14. Oh my, from experience I know about having a child in the hospital. (PICU to be specific) and I am so thankful that you are all safe and sound. God bless you.

  15. So glad to hear your son is well now! Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving day. It sounds like you have lots of charming crafts in line for Christmas time. I hope we can see some pics of them! I have entered your name is the prize draw, best of luck!

  16. I pray your son is better. My daughter has problems with swollen glands. We found out when she was young that antibiotics didn't help her she had to take penicillin. I'm glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Doylene

  17. Mrs. June,

    Oh dear! I had no idea that your sweet boy was in the hospital!

    I'm very glad that he's out, and that the Lord provided a way for you all to be together during Thanksgiving. I pray that the Lord will continue to heal Joshua so that he won't have to go back to that dreaded hospital. I am also praying that Christian will get better soon too, and that God will give you the strength to get through all these illnesses your family is currently enduring.

    May God continue to bless your family and keep them well and healthy.

  18. I'm glad your son was well enough to leave the hospital. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

  19. Dear June,

    I love you blog. Thanks for being an great example of a woman of God.

    Take Care,


  20. Hello! I am new to your blog. Thank you for your wise words and thoughtful posts :) I am recently married and started a blog - Life as a Wife! I love learning what it means to be a wife to my husband, Joshua. Looks like you have your OWN Joshua too!

    Ria Thurston

  21. I have an award for you over at my blog. ~Blessings!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving to you...glory to God for his care for our loved ones!!!

  23. June, I'm so happy your son is okay. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. It is all about family. xox

  24. Praise the Lord your son is OK and home!! I enjoy your blog so much! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  25. I am just checking back to see how your other son is doing and family as well. I hope you are all better and if not at least at the tail end of any sickness. God Bless~~


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