
Monday, October 26, 2009

One Family

"How can one family affect anything?

One person battling away to put selfish interests aside,
to put other people before herself or himself, even for a fraction of time,
day by day,
how could that help?

. . . One family and the children of that family can do marvelous things to affect the world

or devastating things
to destroy it."

-Edith Schaeffer

Thank you for sharing this Miss Jen @ Blessed Femina


  1. Oh, I love this post! Thanks. There are always consequences to every action...good and bad, I am trying to teach my daughter that!

  2. I have always been a fan of Edith Schaeffer.

  3. This is a fantastic quote! Thank you for sharing! Yes, one family can change the world around them and that can change the world !

  4. It is such a great quote~
    Mrs.Schaeffer has so much
    wisdom to offer!! :)
    I was touched that you used
    it... ;)

    With Much
    Love in Christ~ Miss Jen


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