
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Christian Mother Series

I have decided to begin a short series on The Christian Mother for those who are wanting to learn and share more timeless truths and aspects on this crucially significant topic. My goal is to hopefully train and teach woman young and old to be strong Christian mothers in the 21st century, in the face of adversity and to the glory of God.


This series has been removed and is now available as an eBook to bless mothers all around the world. Many have requested this in a book format as it had been widely used across America for sharing in homes, Bible studies and churches across America and now it is available:


Like a breath of fresh air, Insightful, Inspiring, A book I will cherish and pass on to my children. Thank you, June! God Bless you!

-Emily Bush, mother

Currently listed on Amazon's Best-Seller list for Kindle in the "Motherhood" category, and #1 in Hot New Releases.

"Where are the Titus 2 women?"  a young mother cries, exhausted and weary....

Women everywhere are looking for guidance, encouragement and vision. Gone are the days when we would have support from our community, friends and family.  Being a mother in the 21st century can be a challenge for a Christian woman and many are looking for help...

Come be encouraged, and learn all that you would need to know about Christian motherhood. Here, you will be given life-changing vision that will change the way you view motherhood, your life, and the way you engage with your children forever. 

DOWNLOAD IT NOW for only $7.00 

Buy Now

Pay by PayPal or credit card--Instant digital download
PDF version

or get it at 

Amazon and Barnes and Noble

for your


  1. YES! I can't wait for the first "installment!"


  2. I think that is a wonderful idea...I know I would enjoy the posts.

  3. Um, YES! We shall!!!! I am really looking forward to this!!! (((((HUGS))))) sandi~new reader that happened by just in time! PTL!

  4. Yes.......count me in. I know I sure can use this. I so enjoy reading your posts.

  5. I'm excited about this. This has been on my mind quite a bit lately.

  6. Sounds lovely! Looking forward to it :-)

  7. Sounds like a great idea. I am not a mother, but God willing I will be one day!

  8. Yes. I am a new reader. I am so happy I found this blog. I need this type of information and guidance. Thank you so much!

  9. I am looking forward to this very much!

  10. My kiddos are 12 and 10, but I honestly haven't done a God-glorifying job so far, so I'm in.

  11. Ladies, I am so glad you will be joining us! Be sure to tell your friends--there will be something for mothers young and old. And if you are a single gal not yet married or married without children, this is a wonderful time to sit back and learn.

    Many blessings...

  12. Oh wow- I am so excited about this upcoming series!! Can't wait to see what you have planned for us, I absolutely love gaining biblical wisdom from other strong Christian mothers!
    What a blessing this will be for so many of us!
    Julianne :)


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