
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Mother's Influence

"Mothers, please don't let the world rob you of the incredible joy of a life invested in your children.

They are your mark on the world.

They are your legacy, your testimony, and your contribution to mankind.

Don't let some other woman steal your influence.

Remember, 'The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.'

That saying didn't just show up one day.

That proverb is the result of centuries of observation.

A mother's influence is unmatched."

-Voddie Bauchaum, Family Driven Faith


  1. Thanks so much for sharing that today! The Family Driven Faith book is such a good read...and has great reminders for parents! I really appreciate this today!

  2. Amen! We have such a blessed privilege in this calling of motherhood. :)

  3. Thank you so much for the encouragement.

  4. That post perfectly summed up the reasons I'm going to be staying at home with this baby instead of continuing to work outside the home.

  5. I have meant to pick up this book. Thanks for the reminder. I praise God for my role in life and only pray that He will help me to be worthy of it!

  6. June, thank you for the beauty and the truths you share!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  7. That is such a good book, and a wonderful quote. :)

  8. Thank you so much for the encouragement and wisdom you share in this lovely blog. Today was a hard, hard day....I read this and snapped right out of my bad attitude. God bless you for sharing this! Sarah Z.


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