
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shrines of Materialism

"I am going to suggest that praising God through serving people is the only reason for domestic art...The American home is being pulled in two non-biblical ways. One is to become a mere refueling stop...The other non-biblical direction home environments have taken is to become shrines of materialism."

Mary Pride, The Way Home


  1. Very good post and very good inspiration. It is easy to let pride slip in when we are doing something in our homes that we enjoy. We end up buying more and more things and thinking it is all about us. Really, it's all about God and it isn't the things that matter. I like the point about our homes becoming a refueling stop. It's important to make our homes a refuge where our families will want to stop and rest and revitalize thier walks with God.
    You haven't been posting quite as much and I've missed you. I'm glad that all is well with you.

  2. What an articulate way to describe the conditions of so many homes! Thanks for your thoughtful blog.

  3. Amen to a very well worded observation!

  4. What a wonderful insight today! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I ride past many large, beautiful homes in our area, and the think I notice about all of them is that nobody is home. Everybody in the family is out working to be able to afford them, and too busy to enjoy them. They are empty monuments to materialism. Well said.

  6. I have struggled with this one for sure...I actually thank God that we don't make a lot of money, I have learned, am learning, to be content with what I have.

  7. Thanks so much. I'm new to your site and it's beautiful!
    :) Emma

  8. I really agree with Civilla's comment. I notice the same kind of thing in my neighborhood as well.

    My husband and I are getting ready to purchase our first home. I'll try and keep this in mind while we are out "house hunting."

  9. It's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to gain entry into heaven. It seems that a true christian should put their money where their faith is and give it to the poor. Thats what Christ, in fact, demands of us.

  10. She put into words what I feel is so true but could never articulate- thanks for posting!!


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