
Sunday, February 1, 2009

And The Award Goes To....

I wanted to award the blogs I thought were the absolute best in Blogland. What? These blogs are done from members of my family? No...I am NOT biased!

Just proclaiming the truth!

(Okay, maybe just a little biased)

Here they are:

Steve at The Male Domain

Janai at Teen Impact

Naomi at Daughters of the King

Stephen at The Mission

Ravi at Ravi's Adventures

I love you all!!!!!

Keep up the good work!

And remember......SEMPER REFORMANDA!

(translated: we are always reforming)


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment! Each and every single one of you are welcomed here with open arms. I love to hear from you so feel free to share what is on your heart.

I look forward to hearing from you!