
Monday, February 16, 2009

The Happiest Home

Where is the happiest home on earth?
'Tis not 'mid scenes of noisy mirth;
But where God's favor, sought aright,
Fills every breast with joy and light.

The richest home? It is not found
Where wealth and splendor most abound;
But wheresoe'er, in hall or cot,
Men lived contented with their lot.

The fairest home? It is not placed
In scenes with outward beauty graced;
But where kind words and smiles impart
A constant sunshine to the heart.

On such a home of peace and love
God showers his blessing from above;
And angels, watching o'er it, cry,
"Lo! This is like our home on high!"



  1. What a lovely poem filled with such great truths! There is a saying about Home that I like:
    "Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace." Oh, that children everywhere could know a Christian home!

  2. Beautifully written.... Keep them coming. Jaime

  3. That's so encouraging. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Awww what a beautiful poem to share. Thank you!!!

    A house may not look like much on the outside but on the inside is where it counts. :)

    Blessings from TX,

  5. How lovely..Thank you for sharing this.
    Have a joyful week!


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