
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Home She Made

[W]hat a traditional woman did that made her home warm and alive was not dusting and laundry. Someone can be hired to do those things (to some extent, anyway). Her real secret was that she identified herself with her home. Of course, this did not always turn out well.

 A controlling woman might make her home suffocating. A perfectionist’s home might be chilly and forbidding. But it is more illuminating to think about what happened when things went right. Then her affection was in the soft sofa cushions, clean linens, and good meals; her memory in well-stocked storeroom cabinets and the pantry; her intelligence in the order and healthfulness of her home; her good humor in its light and air. She lived her life not only through her own body but through the house as an extension of her body; part of her relation to those she loved was embodied in the physical medium of the home she made.

-Cheryl Mendelson’s, Home Comforts 
 (an encyclopedic A-Z resource on homemaking how-to’s)

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  1. I love this quote--and the book it comes from. Mrs. Mendelson actually lives and teaches in my hometown, so I have always had a soft spot for her writing :)

  2. This is my first time visiting your uplifting site. I just spent many, many minutes reading through all your wonderful quotes extolling the home and family and biblical womanhood. I, too, love quotes and collect those that are meaningful to me. Thanks for sharing your collection; they were lovely.

  3. I love this quote and actually saved it while reading her book ~ for a future post :o)


  4. What a lovely quote! And so true and inspiring.

  5. I like your blog. I like this quote. Thank you. tammy

  6. Thank you for sharing this quote! It truly spoke to my heart this morning!

  7. What a beautiful perspective. That book is probably one I should invest in, seeing as homemaking is a daily challenge for me!

  8. I love the quote! I also really love your inspiring blog post!! Thank you for sharing and letting us see your heart!


  9. thank you for a wonderful reminder. :)

  10. I liked the quote as well as all of your other posts. Thanks for sharing.


  11. I have copied this to include in a thank you card I am sending to my mother as it reminds me of her. And, I mean that in a good way...not the controlling, perfectionist way.

  12. Wonderful post. Thank-you so much! I am printing this out to stick on my fridge and washing machine cabinet so I can read it the 2 places I see the most.

  13. I love your site and all your pictures, where DO you find them all?

  14. This picture is so there a name for it?

  15. Oooo another book to add to my wish list! I love books like these..and the older the book is 1800's, early 1900's, the better it is in my opinion. :-)

    Wonderful quote indeed!

    May you and your family have a safe and blessed week!


  16. Good exhortation, and a beautiful blog.

  17. What a beutifull and inspireing quote. I give thanks , it is just what i have been needing.

  18. How beautiful! I have not read any of her works but I will certainly be looking for them now.

    Always enjoy my visits. Its so uplifting, encouraging and peaceful.



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