
Thursday, August 7, 2008

As Summer Slips Away

Where did the time go? Is summer almost over?

School is around the corner and we are busy around here preparing our home for what looks like might be our best school year yet. And why do I say that? Because I am planning in alot of fun---that's why! The last two years required more 'schooling' and less 'fun' type of activities (especially because we had baby twins in the mix) so this year I am making sure that we are prepared to keep this school fun and rolling.

This year we have an official 'school room' to store all our crafty stuff in. I am excited that I will actually be able to see all that we have and use it more efficiently now. I am a very visual person and only function well with things in clear view and highly accessible.

So now I am spending my time planning my curriculum (yes, an entire year for six children--not the twins yet, they are too small) and plotting how to make an exciting, happy room for my little ones (okay, really for me but shhhhh----don't tell them.).

I will be spending the next few days planning bulletin boards, researching lapbook ideas, visiting educational sites and making notes. I will be planning field trips, crafts and activities that promise a smile and twinkling of the eyes.

As I walked into the stores today after visiting some friends at a pool party, I found Christmas and fall items ready to greet me. Don't you just love this time of year? The promises of a new season with the smell of new books and pencils and the anticipation of what the holidays will bring this year...

I love planning all of it.

Don't you?


  1. oh yes! i do adore all of the planning! and it sounds like we'll be doing some of the same things at both of our houses. i'm doing a unit study for the first time, and we'll be doing lapbooks, and something else called notebooking. it's similar to lapbooks but more involved. i wrote a post on my blog about our plans for the year if you'd care to read it:)

  2. I am also planning and preparing our home for school as we took the summer off. Boy did it go by fast. Fall is such a wonderful time, cool breezes, warm food, and the smell of winter in the air. I would love to know some of your best ideas for keeping school fun, and tips on your organization. Thanks.
    Serving Him in Motherhood,

  3. I love the planning stage! I actually started planning my oldest daughter's 7th grade year last year when she started 6th! I have the entire 36 week schedule all nice and neat and saved. My youngest is a lot easier. Now I am trying to come up with some good field trips. My favorite year was when I taught my oldest Texas history. That brought on some amazing field trips! Can't wait to do it again in a few years!

  4. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a room just for crafts and homeschooling! I was thinking about that just yesterday. We are very visual, also. If we can't see it, we tend to forget it. Not good when we have to put everything away everyday. In a few months we are moving and most likely will have the extra room. WooHoo! The kids say I'm silly. ;)

  5. Hi Sarah Mae,

    Hope you are feeling better with the pregnancy! As for your question---yes and no. Here's what I mean:

    I do buy prepackaged curriculum such as textbooks, workbooks, etc but they do not come from one supplier--they come from a few different suppliers.

    But when I put all these books together I plan my own 'curriculum' so to speak by adding in different ideas of how I want to teach things. Sometimes I will omit something or add--depending on what I think is best. Then I like to add hands-on activities if possible in conjunction with the subject. This year I plan to do more detailed planning so we can get to more of the fun things in our school.

    Hope that helps!

    Many blessings...

  6. Mrs. June,
    Once again I have come to your "home" and been taught by a true lady. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. I felt you must have been with me this week when you wrote on bitterness of the heart. I needed a good shaking and you gave it to me.

    I loved planning the school year when we homeschooled. My daughter is in college and my son in high school now. I asked what I needed to do to get them ready and they had basically already done it. So along with just getting the basic school supplies...I'll hit the floor and start praying that they be in the world but not of it.

  7. Oh yes, June, I do like this time of year. My children and I are in the beginnins of our school year. Last week was our first week and I can truly say, I enjoyed it.

    They had a bit of a hard time, but now they realized, yes we can do this :0)

    blessings June,


  8. Isn't the Lord good to give us different seasons to enjoy? I was just thanking Him today for His beautiful creation and the "smell" of fall in the air:)

  9. June,

    I've left you an award on my blog, sharing with you what I recently received :o)


  10. Hello Dallas,

    That is wonderful to read your story and to hear you are doing well--thanks for sharing it with me as well as the award though I surely feel unworthy of this particular award and of all awards in general. I am just grateful for what the Lord is doing here on this blog and for readers like you who are not bored with me yet!

    Hope you have a great week and keep up the good work in your home and to what the Lord is calling you to.

    Many blessings...

  11. Hi! I just found your blog and was so happy to be reading so many wonderful posts and ideas. I am the blessed mommy of Gabriel (2 and a half months old) and I was wondering if you had any ideas on teaching him about the Lord even now. I read that you have young twins and I was curious as to how you teach them about the Lord. I desire so earnestly to be a faithful mother to little Gabriel but I confess that I am new at being a mommy. I would like to plan some teaching time in for him even now.




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