
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Precious Time with Daughters

Last night I stayed up to 11:30p.m. with my second daughter, Naomi, sewing sleeping bags for her Liberty doll (bought last year for her birthday by her Aunt and Nana.) We had a lot of fun during the day as well~we shopped the stores for material and looked for odds and ends for our little projects.

These past few months I did not realize Naomi had few accessories for her dolls. She never asked for a thing---only for a bit of material every once in a while to try her hand at making a dress (she is 10 years old). So we got to talking and the next garage sale I was able to pick up some nice Batatt accessories for her doll such as a horse, tent and jeep.

We made pillows and lacy tablecloths ($1) for a garage sale- steal wicker furniture set ($2) and even spray painted the furniture to make it look new. I picked up pretty blankets ($0.90) to place underneath as she played to make it look very pretty, for little girls need such things in their lives.

But it all was not about her doll at all. It is about spending time with her and knitting our hearts together. We perused stores and laughed and pointed at various things as we clutched mini-victorian tea sets close to us. We joked together and shared our thoughts together. We were in harmony, mother and daughter---working together and sharing our love.

The night we stayed up late and made the sleeping bags was indeed special. She fervently sewing on my machine and me busily pinning the seams of the fabric. We were sewing more than bags together--we were sewing together a bond between us. So precious that I cannot wait for our next endeavor---with my sweet little Naomi.

(Here's all our hard work, Liberty and her camping accessories)

(Sleeping bag made from a pillowcase from the Thrift store)

(We even sewed ribbon on so the bags could roll up like real sleeping bags)

(Marshmallows-or cotton balls-on a stick by the fire, anyone? Many stick, rocks, pinecones and berries were gathered up by Naomi's three brothers and brought as a love offering to their sisters so they would have sufficient camping materials)

(The night view with Liberty's lamp-$2-makes the whole ensemble authentic.)

(Too bad its blurry but here is some of the wicker furniture and latest dress Naomi has sewn, her sister Joy (5 yrs old) has an identical dress that she helped to make for her doll too.)


  1. What a precious blessing to sew hearts together. To be in sweet fellowship. I just did that with my Lauren, teaching her to sew and she made herself and her daddy a pillowcase. It was so sweet and such a wonderful experience. Our sewing table now has two sewing machines on it, one with a big chair, and one with a little chair. I cannot wait for more sewing endeavors with my daughter. What a precious memory. Daughter are so wonderful. God bless you for taking the time to work with her and give her your heart. You have made an impact for Christ.

  2. This is all so cute and so sweet. What precious time together.

  3. Precious photos and what beautiful memories you are making

  4. Thank you for sharing such a precious story, Mrs. Fuentes. The doll accessories are just adorable. :o) Many blessings to you and your precious family!

  5. I am trying to learn how to sew so that I can pass the skill along to my daughter, but it is a very difficult process for me!

    I have been learning so much from you over the past few months, gleaning your wisdom, and enjoying your perspective. Would you be willing to do an e-mail interview with me for my blog? I try to put up interviews from time to time from older, wiser, godly women who have gone before us younger ones so that we may learn from you. If you would consider it, you can email me from my blog and I will send over the questions I have for you to look over. If you would like to see my other interviews (I call them "Lady of Wisdom" interviews, they are under the title "Interviews" in my sidebar.

    I eagerly anticipate your response! :)

  6. Your post is really precious and inspirational as well!
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. How absolutely wonderful!

  8. What a precious time you and your daughter shared together :o)

    Have a blessed Lord's Day!

  9. How cute! My girls love having tea parties with thier dolls.We use a candle and mini marshmallows on toothpicks for campfires!

  10. Mrs. L,

    I love that idea! Thanks for sharing--

    Many blessings...

  11. Dear Sarah Mae,

    I am very honored that you would consider me---I emailed you this morning to let you know I would be happy in doing this. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Many blessings...

  12. Oh, to be able to go back and do right....I use to do these things with my daughter. Somewhere along the way, I thought my ways were better and off I went doing my own, many years later, I have humbled myself before God, repented of my self and purpose from here on to do HIS will and not mine. Now I spend much time on my knees for God's grace to be on my children, that they will choose to serve Him with their whole heart and not think of Him as someone who tags along with them and helps them out every now and then...Keep up the good work, it will be worth it all. Thank you for encouraging families to stay the course and God bless you!


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