
Monday, June 23, 2008

Monstrous Lettuce

Do you remember our tiny transplants? Here are our romaine lettuce heads all grown up! They were absolutely beautiful and huge---we delighted in picking the heads for our dinners and mused over the fact that organic lettuce can cost up to $4 a head in our local supermarket! I think there are currently only 2 left in the garden---I will definitely plant more since they are so easy to grow. Since then we've also added cucumbers, squash, peppers and pumpkin----help! We are running out of room! I even started an herb garden on my deck in a container---hopefully I will remember to use them during my cooking---thankfully the children are good about reminding me.

My little Joy (5yrs old) got into gardening this year since she saw Mama running all around the house like a mad woman and so we decided to make her a little garden and here it is in full bloom:

(Sideview:We used logs from one of our trees we had cut down earlier to carve out a small plot.)

(Frontview: We added a bit of this and a bit of that--petunias, buttercups, hostas and I don't know if you can see them but we put mini pinwheels in there so when the wind blows there is movement in her garden. The twins just loved that and would run up and try to blow on them all the time.)

(Windchimes shaped like butterflies with 'sparkly diamonds' on them above her garden for beautiful music while she hunts for worms while she weeds)

(Meet our new garden friend, Mr. Hoppy, a little frog Ravi found---we set him loose in our vegetable garden and now he lives there. We can usually find him under our lettuce leaves our huddled under the garage. He's a lot bigger and fatter now that he lives there and not in our home.We had bugs in here to feed him.)

Happy gardening!


  1. I love the windchimes over her garden, that's fabulous!

  2. The flowers are so pretty and the lettuce looks wonderful!!


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